Monday, May 09, 2016


I don't think Mark Salter really understands people like Donald Trump:
Mark Salter, the most prominent and most defiant Republican to announce his support of Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, thinks the 2016 campaign could literally -- no joke -- drive the billionaire developer insane.

Salter [is] one of [John] McCain’s top aides during the 2008 campaign and the co-author of his books....

... Salter thinks Trump ... will melt like Fontina in a fondue pot in the glare of general election when he realizes he can’t beat Clinton.

“He’s going to lose, and I think he’s got kind of an unstable personality to begin with,” Salter told me last week....

“I think he could come apart, you know, in some kind of visible way,” the 61-year-old Salter said. “I think that's quite possible. ... I'm not a psychiatrist, but there is something wrong with [the] guy.”
Nahhh. As the polls show that his defeat is inevitable, he'll claim the media and the pollster are all disgusting liars. When he loses, he'll blame sabotage from the press, the Republican Establishment, and the Evil Clinton Machine. After that, he might just go right back to being a birther commentator on Fox & Friends or he might go off and sulk, and he'll probably try to resurrect his TV and surname-merchandising career, but there's never going to be a psychotic break, for a simple reason: he will be always be certain that he should have won, because he is Donald Trump, and Trump is the greatest. Trump will always believe that Trump cannot fail, he can only be failed.

Also: Trump Airlines. Trump Steaks. Trump University. Trump's Atlantic City casinos. Trump fails all the time. He tolerates it well because failure never causes him to suffer a moment's doubt about his own greatness. He's the emperor who won't do the minimal self-examination necessary to determine that he's wearing no clothes, and certainly no one around him will dare to draw his attention to his nakedness.

So although it would be highly entertaining to watch Trump have a meltdown in late October, I'm afraid we're not going to have that kind of fun. Sorry, Mark.


  1. I think Trump is likely to melt down about the same time George W. Bush becomes disconsolate over being the worst president of the United States since the Civil War.

  2. tRUMP'S the Emperor with no clothes - and tiny hands.

    And he can hide his tiny schwantz behind a gilded arugala leaf!

  3. He is totally sane. Friday "I am destroying Hillary in Rasmussen poll". Today "Why are all the polls showing Crooked Hillary is beating me badly, & no poll shows me winning?! This is so UNFAIR to me. Lawsuit is coming!". He is sane?

  4. Clinton displayed absolute sociopathy when viewing the killing of Khadaffi.
    Any comment on that? Any fear her warmongering sociopathy might inflame WW3 in eastern Europe, and on territory part of the ancient capital of Rus? Which she wants to help steal away?
    Since you assume her shoo-in status, perhaps you'd better concern yourself with her pathology.

  5. I agree, Steve. A man with that much experience of bankruptcy (not to mention divorce) court is a man who can take his losses in stride.

  6. Might Clinton humiliate him in the debates, chip away at the armor?
