Thursday, February 04, 2016


I just spotted this at Free Republic:
[Twitter Report] Breitbart Sitting on Anti-Cruz Story till After NH Vote

Two days ago Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos and Allum Bokhari ... began teasing an "Explosive" Cruz scandal that was supposed to post imminently on

According to Allum Bokhari, it would reveal the 'true face' of Ted Cruz and would be "much worse" than the Ben Carson-fraud fiasco currently ongoing. When asked if it would destroy the Cruz campaign, Allum replied he "couldn't say for sure." When asked about the initial delay, he replied that Breitbart is being very careful with the information due to its seriousness, but that the "wait was worth it."

At first I thought maybe Allum and Milo were simply trolling their readership due to the silence for more than 24 hours, but it appears the article really is coming and is indeed quite serious. According to Allum the article was held up in editorial....
A couple of tweets from Bokhari:

Sex scandal? Money scandal? What's it going to be? Or is it nothing? (It's not the voicemails proving that the Cruz campaign was spreading the story that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race at the Iowa caucuses -- that story is already up at Breitbart, from a different author.)

I actually hope this is a nothingburger, or that we're being trolled. When I see that Donald Trump is rejecting sensible recommendations from staffers that he beef up his ground game, and when I see Marco Rubio making big gains in national and New Hampshire polls, I assume that Trump's going to underperform everywhere and Cruz is the only person standing in the way of Rubio (who's getting Rush Limbaugh's imprimatur, which might make him acceptable to the crazies, even as the mainstream media is persuading middle-of-the-road voters all over America that he's a moderate). On the other hand, I don't like Ted Cruz -- who does, really? -- and his downfall would be fun to watch.

Waiting with bated breath....


  1. Anything that disappoints or pisses-off Teddy Cruz-ader, makes my heart want to sing with joy!

    I understand your political point, Steve, but this is the Cruz-ader we're talkin' 'bout heah!!!
    Not enough bad shit can happen to him, and, sadly, probably little to no shit will...

  2. How can Rubio be a "moderate" when all he is is a "nothing"?

  3. It's Rubio by the close of the New Hampshire polls, and five months as the presumptive nominee will be five months he doesn't care for.

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    My instinct is to think that this is a big nothing burger to increase page clicks but it would be interesting if it had anything to do with TBogg's revelations a couple of days ago that Cruz' wife and daughters do NOT want him to touch or kiss them (via the body language in videos). Combine this with his statement a few weeks back that if his 4 or 5 year old daughter told a lie she would be spanked for it. Nice loving dad, that guy.

  5. geezuzz - Steve reads Free Republic. I get it, but, wow: thank you for your service, you poor grunt.

    I was over at Breitbart yesterday, surfing a line from the Straits of MaDrudgeon to a crazytown story on Obama's visit to and remakes at the mosque and Mad Marcco's chockfullojintonuts response. There were, I shit you not, over nine freaking thousand reader comments, almost all of them containing nothing more than tired debunked memes.

    That said, the STORY was laid out straight. Breitbart's like the Hill or Mediaite in this way: the key isn't how the story is reported, the keys are story selection and zero comment moderation or else just enforced against liberals and reality based comments that get swwarmed as trolls. Again, I shit not on this: that which would surely get a reader banned from comment here or or at any reality oriented site is not just the norm, it's king and it calls for and gets reality heads chopped off constantly and routinely as a matter of course.

    Bokhari's got some cat nip that, I'm guessing, over here would be take as actual or borderline nothingburger hold the freep fries. Problem is, believe it or not, the Breitbart model requires that same journalistic standards in force at MSM news orgs,to ALLOW for the freep flag to fly in the reader comments. That's the deal. The Breitbart management group is actually enforcing standards. Credulity, I shit not of thee.

  6. While I had hoped for methamphetamine snorting male hookers incest and domestic abuse by white evangelical "Christians", in particular amongst those who claim to speak for their god, is thoroughly documented as the highest in the nation.

  7. Let them nominate Rubio, and have faith Hillary can beat him. Then the right can spend another 4 years bellowing about being betrayed by the establishment, and how they absolutely must nominate a true conservative like Captain Cotton in '20.

  8. Funny I consider myself conservative but I can't stand Cruznadian. He is everything a Christian should not be. He also in my opinion is NOT conservative. He is totalitarian, conformist and brooks no dissent from his ideology and word soup. He is an immature, dishonest, slimy little weasel who looks like a Half Melted GI Joe Doll. Anyway, I hope whatever this information is does the job because so far he has the attitude of "yeah, I did it so what? You won't do anything about it."

  9. The "true face of Ted Cruz"? And it's even uglier than the one he shows up with now?
