Monday, November 23, 2015


This is how frivolously you can spend your money when you're conservative and richer than God:
Nearly a dozen big Republican donors backing different presidential candidates are coming together to help fund an advertising campaign attacking front-runner Donald Trump....

Matt David, spokesman for the group planning the attack, a Super PAC called New Day for America, which is supporting Ohio Governor John Kasich's presidential bid, said 10 new donors had pledged money in the two days since Politico reported Thursday evening the group's plans to attack Trump in New Hampshire....

David said New Day for America's plans to spend $2.5 million on anti-Trump ads in New Hampshire meant the group's message would achieve something near "saturation" in the state.

It has already received "hundreds of thousands of dollars" from the new donors, and pledges over the past two days add up to more than $1 million, according to David.
And what are these richies getting for their money? Well, here's the first ad -- an ad consisting of stuff that was already supposed to bring down Trump's poll numbers already and utterly failed to do so:

John McCain attack? Check. Megyn Kelly attack? Check. Trump saying if Ivanka weren't his daughter he'd date her? Check. Attack on Ben Carson? Check.

Bringing all this up didn't work before, but rich people are footing the bill, so why not try the exact same thing and hope for a different result? That usually works, doesn't it?

Oh, and what else does the PAC have in mind?
David said his group plans to use ads on TV and radio as well as direct mailings to New Hampshire voters to show them what a Trump presidency would look like, depicting details like the complicated, expensive bureaucratic operations behind efforts to deport millions of illegal immigrants and get all Muslims in the United States to register in a database.
Oh, brilliant: You're going to tell angry Republican voters that Trump really can't deport all the undocumented immigrants and register all the Muslims, policies those angry voters desperately crave? While you're at it, why not tell some pre-schoolers that there's no Santa Claus? That'll go over equally well.

This is one more reason we ought to raise taxes on the rich: because when it comes to spending money on politics, the rich have no damn sense. We need to save them from themselves.


  1. It also says a lot, nothing of which is good, about the Democratic Party. If the state parties, especially, were run competently we would be running circles around these clowns. It's only the fact that a lot of millionaires and billionaires are idiots that we're saved.

  2. It's nice to know that even rich fools and their money are soon parted.

    As political advisors well know...

    Why, oh why, wasn't I born an unprincipled and greedy political hack?
    Ok, make that hatched - reptiles lay eggs, and don't give live birth, like mammals do.

  3. "We need to save them from themselves"

    It may seem foolhardy, but I for one am willing to take their $2.5m and report to them in as much detail and with as much sincerity as they feel reasonable that I consider myself completely convinced!

    Here I am rich Republican establishment types: presigned, presealed and predelivered: I'm yours!

    Wait: I'm doing something wrong here ... oh yeah: Hey rich GOPers, if you don't gimme the money, I'm gonna feel free to say nice things about the insufferable lying pig, um, awesome American leader Trump!

  4. Seems like their consultants should have told them the Trump is the Republican base's hatred for the Establishment, personified.

    I'm not sure which goal they would find more counter-productive: spending $2.5 million on ad attacking Trump, or just giving Trump the money as an anonymous donation. They'd probably get better results taking out ads in favor of Trump, and removing the image of being an outsider.

    And the thing is, Trump is so desperate for validation, he'd fall for it in a heartbeat. Break some champagne, fire up the hot tub, and get a couple of pictures of Trump in the poll with Reince Priebus, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor.

    He'd drop to about half in a week.

  5. In a bit of noted irony, I do find it somewhat amusing that the large Republican donors are attempting to use facts and reason on the typical Republican voter. They've spent years, and countless numbers of their wealth creating this bubble headed logic, and now they can't figure out how to burst the bubble.

  6. Throwing muck at the Golem yields a larger Golem.
