Thursday, October 01, 2015

I garbled some facts in the post that used to be here -- Umpqua Community College, where a mass shooting took place today, was never part of the Oregon University System, and therefore it wasn't subject to a court ruling or a policy decision by Oregon's higher education board that I described in that original post. My apologies.


  1. I am so tired of the argument that criminals won't respect gun-control laws, so why have them? If that is the case, why have any laws at all?

  2. Every national, regional or local TV and cable news broadcast, every daily newspaper, & every website that comments or links to comments on general news, should start - MUST start - right at the beginning, right on the front page in a prominently-bordered box, & right at the top as the very first item, with a report on the most notorious shooting(s) of the day.

    But that's just me; and even tho there are tens of millions who I expect would either agree or at least show support or understanding for this position, that facts that we DON'T have this feature in our society & instead have these recurring incidents of the most senseless & randomly motivated of mass murders, often more than once a month at this point, means not only must there be a lot of people, possibly in the multiple millions, who LIKE all this pointless mayhem, but there must be an awful lot more money involved, going to an awfully well-thought-out set of deeply corrupt pols, than I can possibly imagine.

    If we can't do anything useful and meaningful to combat something as obviously wrong as this - & it's become obvious that we cannnot - then surely we are so fucked.

  3. Do state laws concerning the U. Of Oregon apply to community college districts?

  4. Everyone reading this will agree with Steve but I ain't American. In 2013 I suggested shunning you might help, would it? Serious question.

  5. Do state laws concerning the U. Of Oregon apply to community college districts?

    No. My bad. See above.
