Friday, March 06, 2015


I was gloomy in the last post, but I see that the Clinton camp has a strategy for dealing with Emailghazi:
Hillary Clinton won’t be presiding over a soul-searching press conference or sitting down for a come-clean interview about her use of a private email address any time soon -- at least if everything goes according to her team’s plan.

The former secretary of state and her advisers have decided to adopt a time-tested Clintonian approach: take a concrete step to ease the pressure, then wait out the storm....
The Clintonites think this the story will die down, and then Hillary will answer questions. And perhaps:
An added benefit to the approach: the potential for Republicans to overreach and overreact while Clinton stays silent.
... And, right on cue, here's Reagan-era assistant secretary of defense Frank Gaffney, now speaking for a group he founded called the Center for Security Policy:
One other State Department official evidently violated this policy: [Hillary Clinton's] Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. Ms. Abedin’s emails are of particular interest insofar as Huma has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s the Islamist organization whose self-declared mission is “destroying Western civilization from within.”

The indispensable investigative group, Judicial Watch, has filed suit in federal court for access to these emails. It remains to be seen if they are provided and, if so, what they reveal about these ladies’ contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood -- and their damage-control concerning revelations about Huma’s connection to it.
Yup, this again. Even John McCain has said attacks like this on Abedin are a crock.

Oh, and over at Atlas Shrugs, Pam Geller adds the extra touch of crazy, identifying Abedin as follows:
Daughter of Saleha Mahmood Abedin, a pro-Sharia sociologist with ties to numerous Islamist organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood Longtime former employee of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, which shares the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of establishing Islamic supremacy and Sharia Law worldwide
But wait -- Geller's not finished:
Further, it is striking that Huma Abedin was the only non-family member to have her own account on Clinton’s server. Atlas readers are long familiar with Abedin. I was one of the first to report back in 2007 on the rumors that were rampant of a very close, sexual relationship between the two which was even more disturbing considering Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood ties....

Anthony Wiener was/is a beard, pure theater When Wiener was caught tweeting his pecker it caused nary a blip in the “marriage”. But the ruse was necessary for Clinton’s presidential run.
So who'll be the first Republican officeholder or state party official to post a link to this on Facebook?


  1. Sherman:
    "Hi, Mr. Peabody. Where are we going in our "Way-back Machine" today?"

    Mr. Peabody:
    'Well, Sherman, todqy we're going back the to the heady and stupid days of the early 1990's!'

    "But, that's not that long ago."

    'I know, Sherman, but sometimes history repeats itself.'

    "Like, how?Z"

    'Well, a long time ago, America's right-winger's accused Hillary Clinton of being a lesbian.'

    "What's a lesbian, Mr. Peabody."

    'It doesn't matter - except to the narrowest, stupidest, and ignorant, and bigoted, of the conservatives.'

    "But, Mr. Peabody, if you don't explain what a lesbian is, none of this makes any sense.'

    'Trust me, Sherman, nothing anyone on the side of politics mskred ot ever made of makes any sense..."

    Hillary, a lesbian!
    I saw this 20+ year-old movie on (Stomach) Turner Movie "Classics."
    And it sucked then!

  2. The next two years are going to be so much fun.

  3. So their story is Huma's a security risk (which is true, by normal criteria) and it's a honey trap thing?

    No evidence of the latter, that I am aware.

    Going to be ugly, folks.

  4. Off the top of my head, here is a partial Hillary scandal survival resume just from the 90s and exclusive mainly to her: Vince foster affair and murder, Lesbianism, Bosnian Snipergate, Travel Office firings, Saul Alinski senior thesis, "Not gonna stay home and bake cookies as first lady", and most similar to the present, the missing Rosewood Lawfirm timesheets. All swatted away with verying degrees of difficulty, but gone never-the-less. She knows what she's doing. On the other hand, The Democratic Party is way more screwed than the GOP for the present. No backup bench for the presidency in 2016, or '20. The prospects for Senate and House are grim. Without a credible influential progressive voice, The Dems are dying on the vine. Wish I could find hope to think otherwise.
