Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Republicans may not have an immigration reform plan with broad support in their party, but if you don't care about a plan and would be happy with an "Obama sucks" catchphrase on immigration instead, then don't worry, they've got you covered. See if you can spot the catchphrase in this Breitbart story. Here -- I'll make it easy for you.
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), says it's "un-American" for President Barack Obama to consider implementing an executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens across the country.

"It's unconstitutional, illegal, and we don't support it," Priebus replied when a Tea Party activist asked him about the president's plans for an executive amnesty on a conference call hosted by TheTeaParty.net on Monday evening.

"I don't support it. It is wrong," Priebus said. "It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty."
Did you spot it? I'm sure you spotted it. See also the headline to this post at National Review's Corner:
Immigration Agents' Union Begs Public for Help Fighting Obama's Executive Amnesty
This is what Republicans do. They don't govern. (Unless they control everything, they don't even try to govern, because that would involve compromise, which is unthinkable.) Instead, all they try to do is manipulate public opinion and set debate terms.

They're going to do for "executive amnesty" what they did for "death panels" and the "death tax" and "partial-birth abortion" and, well, "Obamacare" -- they're going to burn the phrase into Middle Americans' brains and make them hate it. Once they've really cranked up the use of this phrase, you'll be able to hook electrodes up to right-wingers' skulls and see the phrase "executive amnesty" setting off levels of anger and rage that you'd associate with images of Hitler selling children into Boko Haram arranged marriages catered by ISIS in an Ebola ward.

And why not? Hey, it beats legislating.


  1. "...setting off levels of anger and rage that you'd associate with images of Hitler selling children into Boko Haram arranged marriages catered by ISIS in an Ebola ward."

    No, Steve - ISIS would bring the flower arrangements.
    The weddings would get catered by MOOOchelle Obama.

  2. Well it beats actually working for your taxpayer funded paychecks- great gig. Lazy moochers!

  3. I thought executive amnesty was what happened when we bailed out the banks and didn't prosecute anyone.
