Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Off-Script, But Hardly Alone

Shorter Rick Moran: What Mo Brooks said was bad form, but it was kind of right:
I’m not sure the comment is “out there” at all. The exaggeration comes when trying to describe the Democrats’ identity politics: slice and dice the electorate into nice, neat little boxes and target them with ads and talking points demonizing Republicans for each group. Blacks are told the GOP wants to return to the days of Jim Crow. Hispanics, that Republicans want to deport them even if they’re legal. Single women, that the GOP wants to take away their birth control pills and make life miserable for them. Even if those specific charges aren’t used by Democrats, they are broadly hinted at....

Rep. Brooks is mostly correct in his analysis of the immigration issue...But he exaggerates when he says Democrats claim all whites hate everyone else....

The irony is that Brooks will be vilified for racially dividing America when it’s the Democrats whose deliberate political strategy of cleaving the electorate by skin color has done more to damage and divide America than anything this back bench Republican could ever do.
Of course Moran can't credibly repudiate Brooks. Brooks is just another Monster from the (Republican) Id, saying exactly what they all think but most know they aren't supposed to say. Republicans are like OJ, always searching for the real racists. And they always find them not in the de facto single-race party, but in the party that enjoys broad support across all racial and ethnic groups.

When your whole worldview is predicated on your own race/gender/orientation being the default, being normal, of course you end up thinking inclusiveness is divisiveness. And every now and then, like Mo Brooks, you end up saying it.


  1. Well, how very patronizing by this Rick Moran person. "Blacks are told, Hispanics are told, single women are told, blah, blah, blah.

    Yes, of course. All these groups believe these things because some bad old Democrat tells them so. It is not as though any of them would or could independently and on their own, ponder current events and every insane thing that a republican says, and come to the perfectly reasonable conclusion that republicans do, in fact, want to return to the days of Jim Crow, deport anyone with a Messican name, and take away birth control from single woman, those sluts.

  2. What Nefer said. That's important. And "Republicans are like OJ" is brilliant.

  3. Nefer: exactly. They never stop to consider the white-supremacist implications of their repeated claims that, for example, 90+% of African-Americans are duped into voting for Democrats.

    Yastreblyansky: thanks!

  4. drinking your own Koolaid.

  5. Memo to the ironically named Rick Moran: African-Americans are smarter than you.

  6. Moran, is a "MORAN!"

    One who's projecting his bigoted 'moranosity!'

  7. Moran, is a "MORAN!"

    One who's projecting his bigoted 'moranosity!'

  8. Moran, is a "MORAN!"

    One who's projecting his bigoted 'moranosity!'

  9. OY!
    Three word-turd's with one click.


  10. I like the line "inclusiveness is divisiveness." This makes it clear. They pretend to act as though their "one size fits all" model of the voter and the party is non gendered and unraced when, in fact, it is entirely built on gender, race, and religious appeals and always has been since the two parties flipped at the time of the southern strategy and since the evangelicals and the catholics decided on an entente cordiale against the secular state and the jews.
