Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Right-wingers never, ever concede a point to non-right-wingers, no matter what the facts are. You'd think righties would be ashamed to continue denying the true political affiliation of Jerad and Amanda Miller, the Vegas-based Cliven Bundy backers who, after killing a couple of cops, covered their bodies in a Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" flag, and put a swastika-stamped manifesto on top of the bodies -- but no, the wingers are still out there trying to pick away at the Millers' story.

So at Ace of Spades we have "Surprise! The Vegas Cop Killers Weren't So Right-Wing After All." At Gateway Pundit, the Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim Holt, has "Confirmed: Las Vegas Cop Killers Were Members of Far Left #Occupy Movement." Breitbart has The Hunt for the Ever-Elusive Tea Party Killer Leads to... Occupy Wall Street."

What's the right's story? Here's the Breitbart post:
Liberals were so excited when news broke of a husband-and-wife team of psychopaths killing two police officers and a heroic armed civilian who confronted them in Las Vegas... and threw a "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flag over one of their victims. At last! At long, long last! The elusive Tea Party killer had finally arrived!

... Wondering why the Left suddenly shut the hell up about the Las Vegas shooters? Here's why, courtesy of CBS News:
While living in Lafayette [Indiana], Jerad and his wife Amanda took part in last November's "Million Mask March" – a gathering of protesters from the Occupy movement, anarchists, and hacktivists....
Oh. So, first of all (pace Jim Holt), there's no evidence that the Millers were members of Occupy. We just know that they took part in one demonstration.

And what do I see here? Why, it's a plug for the Million Mask March at Alex Jones's Infowars, and the same plug at Alex Jones's Prison Planet, both stories sourced to the Putin-linked news organization RT. (Headline: "'We Are Legion!' Anonymous Allies Stand Up Against Corruption in Global March.")

And as a number of news organizations reported, the organizers of the Million Mask March tried to reach beyond the left in organizing this series of marches. From The Guardian:
One of a number of Facebook pages for the event described it as a "Call for Anonymous, WikiLeaks, the Pirate Party, Occupy and Oath Keepers to defend humanity".
Excuse me? Did you say "Oath Keepers"? You mean the "constitutionalist" "patriot" group that urges law enforcement officers to defy the federal government, and that flocked to Cliven Bundy's defense?

Now, it doesn't appear that the outreach to the Oath Keepers was all that well received. Check out this Million Mask March Facebook post, or this one.

But if you were a couple of wannabe revolutionaries of an Alex Jones bent -- which the Millers were -- you absolutely might think this demo was quite compatible with your worldview.

Tea party? Not exactly. Sovereign citizen movement? You betcha.

UPDFATE: Bulworth says in comments:
Amazed and impressed Hoft and Ace could see through all the pro-gun, anti-Obama, pro-teaparty, anti-Obamacare pages the Millers "liked" on Facebook to discern their participation in one march.
Yup -- the full list is here.


  1. To see if it can stick in the MS, more than just Alex Jones have been saying that the cop-killings in Las Vegas were a Liberal "false-flag" operation, meant to discredit the right.

  2. Amazed and impressed Hoft and Ace could see through all the pro-gun, anti-Obama, pro-teaparty, anti-Obamacare pages the Millers "liked" on Facebook to discern their participation in one march.

  3. Good point -- see the update.
