Tuesday, June 24, 2014


More tone-deafness from the Clintons? Yes, but....
Hillary Clinton insists she isn't "well-off" and now daughter Chelsea, according to a recent interview, claims she couldn't care less about money.

"I was curious if I could care about (money) on some fundamental level, and I couldn't," she told Fast Company in an interview that ran in the magazine's May edition, explaining why she gave up lucrative gigs to join her family's philanthropic foundation....
Look, Chelsea is clearly going to be involved in the campaign if her mother runs for president, so she needs to weigh every word. In this case, she didn't.

On the other hand, she didn't mean what the haters want you to believe she meant. Here's the Fast Company story:
... For a decade after graduating from Stanford in 2001, Chelsea experimented with the world beyond the Clinton machine. In peripatetic bursts, she tried out international relations, then management consulting, then Wall Street, then a PhD. She even signed on for (an embarrassingly lightweight) gig as an NBC News "special correspondent." ... And now, finally, she has decided to join the Clinton family business. As vice chair of the recently rebranded Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, she is helping one of the world's most notable philanthropies grow up....

"It is frustrating, because who wants to grow up and follow their parents?" admits Chelsea. "I've tried really hard to care about things that were very different from my parents. I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn't. That wasn't the metric of success that I wanted in my life. I've talked about this to my friends who are doctors and whose parents are doctors, or who are lawyers and their parents are lawyers. It's a funny thing to realize I feel called to this work both as a daughter--proudly as a daughter--and also as someone who believes that I have contributions to make."
In other words, she tried to care about working in the money business and she couldn't. Not the same thing as airily suggesting that she doesn't care about money.

So: a failure to weigh words painstakingly, nothing more. And now you're going to tell me I should stop defending these people, and I'm going to tell you that you need to find another candidate who can make it to the general election and beat the Republicans. Rinse and repeat.


  1. For conservatives, money is everything.

  2. That was some deceptive editing--like all the skree-pieces about the Clintons when you read the damned transcript its perfectly reasonable and honest and more than defensible. I wish Democrats and Hillary haters would just stop jumping at every false, truncated, quotation as "proof" that the Clintons are evil incarnate. HRC has name recognition and generic popularity. What political party can throw that in the toilet in order to prove a purity point about something?

  3. I just don't think Hillary can win. Too much hatred for her. I honestly think there are folks who would vote Democrat but not for Hillary.Me, I'd vote for Satan against a Republican.At least Satan is honest; you get what you see.
