Wednesday, May 07, 2014


Prominent Americans no longer spread the notion that a secret cabal of Jews once hatched a plot for domination of the globe. Instead, America's contemporary conspiracy-mongers peddle tales of plots like this:
The wife of former Vice President Dick Cheney says she thinks the Clintons might have pushed the Monica Lewinsky Vanity Fair story to "get that story out of the way."

"I really wonder if this isn't an effort on the Clintons' part to get that story out of the way," Lynne Cheney said during an interview on "The O'Reilly Factor" Tuesday night. Would Vanity Fair publish anything of Monica Lewinsky that Hillary Clinton wouldn't want in Vanity Fair?"
Would Vanity Fair publish anything of Monica Lewinsky that Hillary Clinton wouldn't want in Vanity Fair? What, you mean like this?

(Vanity Fair's editor in 1998 was its current editor, Graydon Carter. He's had the job since 1992.)

Seriously? We're supposed to believe that Lewinsky would make these statements as a favor to the Clintons, who, it's safe to assume, are not exactly her favorite people? Or ... what? Vanity Fair just published this without Lewinsky's consent, out of blind Clinton loyalty?

Well, of course you and I aren't supposed to believe any of this -- but the rubes will believe anything the Fox snake-oil peddlers put in their sales pitch. It should be disturbing that the wife of a former vice president of the United States would engage in this sort of willful deceit, but engaging in willful deceit for ideological ends was what Dick Cheney specialized in as vice president, wasn't it?

This is what Republicans do now. This is what they are -- spreaders of disinformation, purveyors of the notion that everyone but their allies is engaged in a massive conspiracy that only they are brave enough to talk about. It's the Cold War, but we're the implacable, all-powerful enemy now.


  1. Somewhere, all of those mythical "Fifth Columnist's" are envious of how easily bin Laden got America to destroy itself via internal dissension, and Right-Wing propaganda.

  2. spreaders of disinformation, purveyors of the notion that everyone but their allies is engaged in a massive conspiracy that only they are brave enough to talk about.

    I'm with you on raising champagne toasts when Ailes and Murdoch pass on.

  3. I don't remember who said it but I've never forgotten it: In World War II, American soldiers are said to have occasionally taken dead German soldiers, dressed them in American uniforms, put fake battle plans in the pockets and left them where the Germans would find them. Was it dishonest? Sure, but no one's gonna say they shouldn't have done it.

    That's how conservatives see themselves. Sure, what they say may or may not be true, but they're so obviously right and this* is so obviously a life-or-death situation that you couldn't possibly expect them to be sticklers for every single little nicety.

    *"This" being another term for "everyday life," which the rest of us somehow manage to get through without being shrieking drama queens.

  4. They can only "win" by cheating.

    That sleeping giant Cheney's pup GeeWubya thought he awoke. It's awake now. And it spells the death of both the "conservative" movement and the Retard Party. Fool us once, won't get fooled again. They got nuthin', a dying breed lashing out their death throes as the cornered rats they are. All they've got to do is stay in the limelight.

    The only good thing I have to say about a Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Rodham family of course just as old school robber baron money as the Bush, Kennedy or Rockefeller, candidacy or presidency is it'll drive the final nail.

    I thought you white dogs fought a revolution or something to get away from opolies and political dynasties.

    No fear.
