Friday, May 16, 2014

(updated with Romney's response)

I'm still waiting for Mitt Romney to get asked about this:
WOLFEBORO, N.H. -- A police commissioner in a predominantly white New Hampshire town said he won't apologize for calling President Barack Obama the N-word, and he sat with his arms crossed while angry residents at a meeting called for his resignation on Thursday....

Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland, who's 82 and white, has acknowledged in an email to his fellow police commissioners he used the racial slur in describing Obama.

Town resident Jane O'Toole, who moved to Wolfeboro four months ago, said she overheard Copeland say the slur at a restaurant in March and wrote to the town manager about it. Copeland, in an email to her, acknowledged using the slur in referring to the president and said he will not apologize....
Mitt Romney's been going to Wolfeboro since his father brought him there when he was a child. Mitt and his wife have owned a summer home there since 1997.

Now, you know that if anything happens anywhere in America that involves black people, Barack Obama gets asked about it. He was asked about Donald Sterling in Malaysia, where he was meeting with the prime minister. So why can't somebody get a comment out of Romney about this situation, given the fact that it's happening in a town where Romney actually pays property taxes?

(I assume Romney pays property taxes there. Who knows? Quite possibly he's found a clever way to avoid doing that.)

It's not as if Romney has gone reclusive on us since 2012 -- he can certainly find his way to a microphone or a camera when he wants to flog his documentary (here he is making a surprise appearance at Sundance), or when he wants to troll President Obama regarding Russia policy, or when he decides to needle Harry Reid childishly by pretending he had to stand in line at the post office in order to pay his taxes. So why can't the news media get a comment from him about this?

If you care, here's Romney chatting with Jimmy Fallon this past January about the swell time they're going to have eating burgers together in Wolfeboro this summer. This was during the publicity tour for the documentary. (Fallon also spends time in Wolfeboro -- hey, Jimmy, what are your thoughts?)


UPDATE: OK, good for Mitt:
The Wolfeboro, N.H., police commissioner who has stood by his comment calling President Obama a racial slur is facing a growing cascade of calls to step down, including from the tiny lakeside town’s most famous summer resident — one-time Obama opponent Mitt Romney.

"The vile epithet used and confirmed by the commissioner has no place in our community," the former Bay State governor, who owns a home in the popular Granite State vacation spot, said in a statement to the Herald. "He should apologize and resign."


  1. GOP POV:
    Mit who?

    We don't know any Mit Ronmey's.

  2. So, Mitt Romney did - via remote, with a press release - what any public figure with an ounce of decency would do.


    (for this he can forget about GOP 2016)

  3. Still, good for Mitt. And good for whoever hit him up for the comment.
