Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Ben Shapiro on Twitter just now:

Ben Shapiro last November at Breitbart:

No comment.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    And this surprises you because?

  2. Apparently there aren't enough examples of all this lost freedumb & whatnot for B.S. & his ilk to do anything but complain about the numbers.

  3. That poor, poor, boy.

    He hoped for success from the most incompetent and disastrous Preznit in our modern history - if not all of our history.

    And the last 5+ years, he's spent hoping and praying for another Democratic President, to fail.

    In other words, the boy's a sociopathic douche-canoe.

  4. The true horror - That Ben just made up.

    But if you put him in a stadium with all of the people who've been denied health insurance because they had a pre-existing condition, all of the family members who lost a relative to a treatable illness because they couldn't afford care, and all of the ER doctors who'd treated people who showed critically ill with advanced stages of diseases, he'd say they were liars.
