Thursday, April 03, 2014


Oh, dear -- we're Hitler again:
Brendan Eich, the well-known techie who has gotten swept up in a controversy about his support of California's anti-gay marriage law Proposition 8, is resigning as CEO of for-profit Mozilla Corporation and also from the board of the nonprofit foundation which wholly owns it....

In several interviews this week, Eich had insisted that he would not step down from the job he was only recently appointed to, due to the intense backlash over a $1,000 donation he made in 2008 in support of the ballot measure to ban gay marriage.

... In an interview this morning, Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker said that Eich's ability to lead the company that makes the Firefox Web browser had been badly damaged by the continued scrutiny over the hot-button issue....
Cue the howling from the right:

(Also: "The Fascist Thugs Win One," says PJ Media; "Pink Mafia Claims Another Scalp," says Weasel Zippers.)

A bit of perspective:

Why, I believe that's correct. Would you care to comment, Bryan Fischer?
World Vision, in one of the most abrupt turnarounds in modern history, has done a complete about-face on its embrace of sodomy-based marriage.

Less than 48 hours after saying the organization was just fine hiring couples who were in same-sex "marriages," the organization has repudiated that stance, acknowledging that the board "made a mistake," and admitting they had failed "to be consistent with World Vision U.S.'s commitment to the traditional understanding of Biblical marriage."

Says its president and board chairman, "We...humbly ask your forgiveness."

... One very encouraging part of this debacle is that the evangelical church and other pro-family organizations stood firmly, directly, and unanimously against this apostasy. World Vision's decision was opposed by thousands upon thousands of donors who called World Vision to complain. Perhaps the sleeping giant that is the evangelical church has finally been awakened.

WV's heretical decision was also publicly opposed by Franklin Graham, the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, the Assemblies of God, and the Southern Baptist Convention. This united stand for truth and against sexual debauchery got World Vision's attention and got their minds right....

The larger issue here is that an environment has been fostered in the upper echelons of World Vision that made it possible for its leaders even to entertain an option that should have been absolutely unthinkable for anyone committed to God’s design for marriage. There is something diseased in the the boardroom of World Vision, and that diseased tissue must be cut out if this organization is once again to fulfill an evangelical mission.

President Richard Stearns must step down immediately. He is the leader of this organization, and he led it straight into a ditch. He must be replaced....
Stearns hasn't left, but, as noted, he had to recant -- and I suppose he may yet feel pressured to step down. (Jacqueline Fuller, a World Vision board member resigned today, citing her disappointment at the policyreversal.)

So there was a lot of pressure on Stearns from the religious right -- accompanied, as far as I know, by utter silence about that pressure from the secular righties who are howling today about Brendan Eich.

Can we call the people who denounced Stearns ... um ... the CHRISTAPO? Is that too harsh?



And let's not forget Dr. Vivek Murthy's encounters with the Gunstapo.


UPDATE: Fromm MattT in comments:
Maybe the most direct comparison is to that "Guns & Ammo" editor who was forced to resign a few months ago after writing that some limited form of gun regulation might not be a terrible idea.
Absolutely -- here's that story.


  1. The Right is almost totally unable to see what you are talking about. Thee is no doubt in them.

  2. Maybe the most direct comparison is to that "Guns & Ammo" editor who was forced to resign a few months ago after writing that some limited form of gun regulation might not be a terrible idea.

  3. On the plus side, less and less people are going to church.

    Maybe because most churches went from places of quiet reflection with religious traditions, where they also recited some prayers, were centers for the community, and they heard the messages of Christ's peace, love, and acceptance from the man at the front of the churches, to political grifting and political action machines - where fear and hatred and ostracism, are what's taught by the man at the front of the church, to motivate people to action, and to vote?

    It can't be that.
    It has to be that they're maligned, persecuted, and stomped on - and have to lash out to protect themselves.

    Jesus Christ - hear my prayer:
    Please, for the love of God, save us from your Christians.

  4. Being conservative means having no memory of your past stances (even wide ones) because whatever position one needs to adopt today to advance the core conservative principles of Oppression, Intolerance and Adulation of the Rich are acceptable.
