Friday, November 08, 2013


Statement by Senator John McCain in response to reports of a deal in the works with Iran:
If the reports are correct, this is a terrible deal, and it is dangerous for America. The prospect of Iran acquiring nuclear weapon capacity is the gravest national security threat we face, yet it appears that this 'deal' does not require Iran to dismantle even a single centrifuge or turn over even a single pound of enriched uranium. To lift economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for an amorphous promise to pause their immediate efforts to acquire nuclear weapons makes no sense whatsoever. It is almost surely unverifiable, and lifting the sanctions will only encourage Iran to surreptitiously continue to develop nuclear weapons--weapons that, if acquired, pose an existential threat to America and our allies.

"The United States should negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness. We should have insisted on good-faith measures before meeting with the Iranians directly, such as the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini and the acknowledgment of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has taken the extraordinary step of condemning what is happening in Geneva as a 'very, very bad deal.' President Obama should not abandon our friend and ally Israel, and he should not cut a deal that endangers the national security of the United States."
No, wait -- that's not from John McCain.

It's from Ted Cruz.

I see nothing about the deal on McCain's Senate site. Cruz beat him to the punch.

Tell me again how the new wave of conservatives represent a turn toward isolationism and a change from the Republican Party's knee-jerk belief in foreign policy aggression.


  1. Israel is a Terrorist State. The nuclear armed Mother of All Terrorist States. An utterly foreign occupier perpetrating and American Taxpayer conceived, financed and morally sanctioned genocide upon the indigenous descendants of the "biblical Hebrew". It has no "right" to exist and this world will never know Peace until it does not.

    Iran is no threat to me. Israel, is The Enemy.

    No fear.

  2. Hey, the USSR is long dead!
    So is Saddam.
    Castro's among the living-dead.
    China's our partner, as well as being our economic rival.

    So, they're left with Iran.

    And without Iran, there's nothing to beat the drums of war for - so what do they have to get the rubes to dance to?

  3. OT, but slightly on-topic, if you know what I mean ;-) :

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, etc, again, and expecting a different result.

    Some people seem not to understand that definition.

  4. Conservatives need enemies. Their entire world makes no sense without them. Foreign enemies, domestic enemies, they will always find someone.

  5. And what state is not a terrorist state, TB? That's in the nature of "states" as well as otherwise-organized territorial-dominance groups, including those termed indigenous. "Indigenous" is a far more slippery concept than it might seem, once one takes a reasonably long and broad view of human history.

  6. Hey, Ten Bears, if you're gonna pull that crap, back atcha. Instead of Israel, let's use the words "The United States." And with a slight change of ethnicities, your words give us this:

    The United States is …a Terrorist State. The nuclear armed Mother of All Terrorist States. An utterly foreign occupier perpetrating and American Taxpayer conceived, financed and morally sanctioned genocide upon the indigenous descendants of the [snip] indigenous native peoples, from Algonquin to Zuni. It has no "right" to exist and this world will never know Peace until it does not.

    No, I'm really not at all advocating that the United States get put out of existence. I'm merely pointing out that if you say this kind of crap, it can come right back and bite you in the ass.

    Very, very, extremely, formidably crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The New York Crank,
    Weeeeeell not really, turning it around is a false equivalency at best spin at worst.
    America may well be a terrorist Nation to some but that said, it doesn't negate Israel's nationalistic terrorism on the Palestinians and their faux racism!
    Last time I checked the native Americans aren't being directly targeted by the state, they can vote own property etc. The same can't be said for the Israelis to the Palestinians.
    Depending on your definition of terrorism and while a bit Hyperbolic Ten Bears DOES have a point.
    Much of the angst against the USA has it's second level origins from US unconditional support for Israel's 'terroristic actions'. There are of course other factors.
    If you want to continue this diversion I'm happy to do it on my sporatic blog(?) page 'examinator ponders'

  9. Steve M
    Isolationism isn't the answer any more than USA going (proper not the BS Right wing version there of)Socialist.
    In my mind what is required is a good dose of realism in that extreme one way OR the other.

    With regards to Israel it is the USA's Frankenstein monster. it cant cut them off because :
    -The Faux American (Jewish) back lash (by a powerful but minority)
    I when say Faux American I mean those whose US loyalty seems to be
    power/ economically based. Make all the money then repatriate it and or retire to Israel.

    Aside [I regard Murdoch as a faux American
    his stated reason for the switch of nationalities was financial/power. (hyperbole aside).
    He didn't like being 2nd fiddle to the Packers in Aust].
    - Without the influence of the US who knows what craziness might Israel do in the name of protecting their "boundaries".
    - likewise who knows what craziness the Jihadies might do.
    This in no way speaks against the continued existence of Israel.

    There are two key points here. The current discussions centering on Israel's terms is the stumbling block.
    The second is US should not be so one sided they aren't an honest broker here... they should be.
    On the wider sense the uS should be Less colonial master and become part of the solution.
    That clearly negates either coffin inducing extreme.

  10. Uh, Examinator,

    Please "examinate" what you said above, to wit:

    "it doesn't negate Israel's nationalistic terrorism on the Palestinians and their faux racism!
    Last time I checked the native Americans aren't being directly targeted by the state, they can vote own property etc. "

    You're quite right. The United States finished the job of directly targeting native Americans, pretty much by the beginning of the 20th Centur. You know, Wounded Knee, blankets infected with smallpox, forced deportations from tribal lands, need I go on? Well, come to think of it, I will go on.

    Some native Americans didn't get their full citizenship until the 1950s.

    As for your comment that seems to imply that if you're Jewish, you are somehow a "faux American," please report immediately to the KKK for induction with full Klavern honors.

    I am not claiming that Israel is faultless in its dealings with Palestinians. But to single it out as the "mother of all terrorist states," as Ten Bears did, or to make statements such as this one, " when I say Faux American I mean those whose US loyalty seems to be power/ economically based. Make all the money then repatriate it and or retire to Israel..." something far darker than either political debate or defense of "indigenous{ populations is stirring. It is offensive on its face.

    Lest you need reminding, Israel was a Jewish state several thousand years ago, until the indigenous population there was "targeted" by various foreign nationalities, from the Babylonians, to the Persians, to the Romans.

    One last thing. I decline your invitation to in effect take it outside, and continue the melee on your own blog.

    The issue got raised here. Here's where I'm going to deal with it. The only one who can say otherwise is Steve.

    Eh, Steve?

    More crankily than ever,
    The New York Crannk

  11. NYC,
    I'm sorry you are offended my apologises for that.
    Then again I can't be blamed for your misinterpretation of what I said.
    Where did I say ALL JEWS? I simply didn't.
    I also put in a context. which you ignored. I had Adelson (spelling?) and his ilk in mind. He openly declared that his first interest in (American) politics is Israel. He is not alone either I could include the Far right Christians too. I remember an incident where a TV station ran an interview with a Palestinian (who didn't tell any lies) and the Jewish lobby ran an advertising boycott against the station (because they didn't get the Jewish lobby to offer their “Perspective(?)” ) their perspective was what that what the Palestinian had said was lies? No. BTW even Jon Stewart (a Jew) criticised the action and that of Israel.

    of the rest of my comments that is hardly the actions of a true American patriot. You may also note that I view Murdoch as a faux American. To the best of my knowledge he isn't Jewish.

    Your KKK comment calling me anti-Semitic or something like that.... absurd Both comment by you are from the Israeli propaganda hand book, to distract away from any criticism of Israel.

    Sigh! The fact is that I have a Jewish Daughter and I'm not anti Jewish. In fact I'm in writing supporting Israel's right to exist, As does Palestine.

    I also am well aware of the Native American's past and present plight.
    In short you prove the adage that “people hear (read) what they want and ignore the rest” I'd add “and spin”
    I still stand by my comments that America's unconditional support is at the basis of 2 level angst.
    I'm not interested in attacking someone's religious beliefs I just find them inappropriate when their Institutionalised dogma goes beyond the individual. If you look back to the post about Pope Benny I made that point clearly. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE AND HEIRACHIES(read chosen or better etc.) are both human creations and temporary (period)
    Then again I hold to Dr Samuel Johnson's C18th dictum “Patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel” By that he meant that if Patriotism is the only answer for an action then is that of a scoundrel.
    Chill NYC I was merely saying that 10 bears had a point. Not let's burn all Jews I don't think 10 bears was saying that either.
    FINALLY I did say if you wanted to go down that route let's do it elsewhere. My blog site.

  12. I seem to have struck a nerve. Good, about damned time. I'vr only been running that line for seven years now. So much better I've cranked the Crank. See me when twenty-five million of your ancestors have been put to the sword.

    No fear.fearsome
