Friday, July 12, 2013


Janet Napolitano is leaving her job as secretary of homeland security. Gosh, I wonder who might replace her...
In the run-up to the 2012 election, National Journal named New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, and retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen as possible successors for Napolitano at Homeland Security if she were to step down. In the political world, former Senator Joe Lieberman is also a rumored possibility to take the job....
Stop-and-Frisk Kelly is bad enough, but Lieberman? Seriously?

Laura Rozen explains:

Well, yeah, there's that.

And though it's a small step in the scale of things, it could also be the final straw, the act that finishes the job of alienating the liberal base that worked to elect Barack Obama twice. So we could just kick back and binge-watch SharkNado: The Series in 2014, secure in the knowledge that there's no need to pay attention to the midterms, because nobody's going to show up to vote Dem and Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell can start arranging their office swap now. Better to see that coming early, I suppose....


  1. OY!

    And the really tragic thing is, Benedict Lieberman's about the only one the Republicans in the Senate would even think of approving!

    Ok, maybe Giuliani!

    OY! OY!! OY!!!

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I worked to elect Obama twice and I'm fine with Liberman.

    The party needs to keep working with neoliberals and hawks for fiscal and foreign policy, and working with the rich to push social liberalism.

    Strong security for the state, reduce the growth of social security and use it to pay down the debt and cut taxes, more social liberalism.

    I'm a neoliberal because I'm a social liberal.

    Joe ROCKS.

  3. would lieberman actually take the gig? he seems pretty well estranged from the dems at this point.

    but if he does, you are essentially correct as to the effect it would likely have on the mid-terms.

    as an actual liberal, i was never all that nuts about obama, but to his credit (sarcasm here) he has managed the neat trick of disappointing me even more than i ever thought possible.

  4. So far all of Obama's dangerous picks, except maybe for treasury, have panned out well. I don't see him throwing this to either a new york asshole, just to please schumer, or to lieberman. I really don't.

  5. I'll just leave this here

    Tough talk is what movement conservatives want. There's the tale of conservative hawk Joe Lieberman watching the action flick 'Behind Enemy Lines': "whenever the American military scored an onscreen hit, Lieberman pumped his fist and said, “Yeah!” and “All right!"" Recently, Lieberman has been saber-rattling irresponsibly against Iran. (As Wesley Clark put it, "Only someone who never wore the uniform or thought seriously about national security would make threats at this point.")

  6. Isn't Bernie Kerik out of the slammer yet? Or what's wrong with Rudy for that matter? As long as this whole project has devolved into parody let's embrace it.
