Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Today's news:
Six groups have been scheduled to give first-person accounts of the IRS's targeting of conservative organizations on Tuesday, the House Ways and Means Committee announced Monday....

Four ... groups that have representatives scheduled to testify -- the Laurens County Tea Party, the Wetumpka Tea Party, the San Fernando Valley Patriots and the Linchpins of Liberty -- are all among the roughly 25 groups taking part in a lawsuit against the IRS filed by the American Center for Law and Justice....
I see that Diane Belsom of the Laurens County Tea Party in South Carolina is ready to testify (or may already have begun to testify). I hope the conversation isn't limited to how mean the IRS was to her and how much she loves freedom and the Constitution and our American way of life. I hope she gets around to talking about the speech her fourteen-year-old daughter, Desiree, delivered to a tea party rally last year, in which she compared modern-day America to the dystopia of The Hunger Games:

...The most popular movie right now of my generation is titled: “The Hunger Games.” It’s set 75 years from now, in a society completely ruled by the government. The general population lives in sheer poverty, while a few select elites profit from the system of total government control. The most frightening thing about the movie is that America is fast becoming the totalitarian world of the Hunger Games....

By getting involved in your local Tea Party- you can make a difference. You can stop America from becoming the totalitarian world of the Hunger Games. You can stop the national debt from increasing even more. You can stop Obama from being re-elected. You can ensure a better future for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren. And even though you're just one person, and I’m just one person, if we all work together, we can change the world. There is strength in numbers- will you join me?
And I hope Desiree's mom gets to chat about the Laurens County Tea Party's deep concerns about the threats of Agenda 21 and sharia law in America:

I think it would be enlightening if she were allowed to show the committee members portions of the linked videos:

Y'know, just so America can grasp the true nature of these persecuted patriots.


  1. I'd also appreciate it if she'd explain how her political point of view - or any political point of view - qualifies her organization for a tax break.

    Very Crankily Yours,
    The New York Crank

  2. And furthermore, I'd appreciate President Obama explaining why or how the IRS did anything wrong in cracking down on tax cheats like these.

    Even more crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  3. I would have though mini-mental-mini-me's favorite movie, might have been 'Jingoistic Unchained.'

  4. It's one thing to listen to Limbaugh, and watch Fox, and read Malkin media in your Pajamas, and take performance pointers from Erich Von Erich, and feed your news fix with aggregate-of-Drudge, and derive creative inspiration from Mark Stein, and go public with your amateur-enthusiast/true-believer derpitude, and fill the role of inside 229th left column 873rd row Seal Chorus Yellleader Third Class in the never-ending circus of American commercial enterprise to depress labor costs by keeping the darkies enslaved, the Irish indentured, the Jews in the ghetto, the billies in the hills, the women folk at the frystand, the megachurches of the Right Reverend Billy Wayne Hogswindler IV full, and the fuhbow stadiums of the nation packed with rabid carnivorous tubweasels -- but it's quite another to get the T. American Taxpayer to pay for it.

  5. "a lawsuit against the IRS filed by the American Center for Law and Justice"

    Holy fuck, the ACLJ was founded by Crazy Pat Robertson.

    No. No, I take that back. It just can't be...

    *whimpers, backs away from internet*

  6. On the right, nothing is ever beyond the pale. In 2046, President Chelsea Clinton will probably be threatened with impeachment as a result of the legal work of the highly respected Alex Jones Institute for Law and Justice.

  7. If that girl had actually WATCHED Hunger Games, she would have realized that it's exactly what the Tea Party is advocating... It's not the "government" who controls the dystopian world that Hunger Games is set in... It's corporations.

  8. After these groups avidly complaining, they failed to note that nothing wrong was found.
    More complaining just to be heard complaining.
    And people wonder why nothing positive gets done by tea groups.
