Thursday, June 20, 2013


I agree that wingnut demigod Ted Cruz is being hypocritical in this defense of his hard-line immigration stance, but the thing that really sticks out for me is the fact that his father fought with Fidel Castro. Um, isn't being the fruit of a lefty revolutionary's loins supposed to put a politician under a permanent cloud of suspicion, according to wingnuts? Or is that true only if the pol is named Obama?
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says that comprehensive immigration reform is "incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules," even though his father admits that he was forced to use bribes to immigrate from Cuba.

In an interview aired by NPR on Thursday, Cruz held up his father, 74-year-old Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, as an example of why it was wrong to offer a path to citizenship to the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States illegally.

"I came to this country legally," Rafael Cruz told NPR.....

The older Cruz explained that he had once fought with Fidel Castro's forces in Cuba to overthrow Fulgencio Batista, a U.S.-backed dictator. He later fled to the United States after receiving a four-year student visa to study at the University of Texas.

"Then the only other thing that I needed was an exit permit from the Batista government," Rafael Cruz said. "A friend of the family, a lawyer friend of my father, basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit." ...
Over at National Review, Ranesh Ponnuru thinks this is no big deal:
Senator Ted Cruz (R., Tex.), who's an old friend of mine, has been arguing that a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants "is incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules." A left-wing website is suggesting that this view is somehow in conflict with the fact that Cruz’s father "basically bribed his way in" to the U.S. Actually, the elder Cruz bribed his way out of Batista's Cuba. I'm pretty sure that when Senator Cruz talks about the importance of the rule of law, he isn't referring to the laws of a Cuban regime that no longer exists.
Yes, but the regime that no longer exists is one that National Review vastly preferred to the Castro regime that succeeded it -- and not just National Review, but the entirety of the right, both then and now.

So Rafael Cruz fought with Castro and bribed the anti-communist government that opposed Castro. Anything else?
After his student visa expired, Rafael Cruz obtained political asylum in the U.S. He then found work with the oil industry in Canada, where Ted Cruz was born.

Rafael Cruz became a Canadian citizen while in Canada. While his son was serving as solicitor general of Texas in 2005, Rafael Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship and became and American citizen.
So Ted Cruz wasn't born here and his father -- who, unlike Obama's father, was an actual presence in his son's life -- fought with a commie, bribed his way to America, and has pledged loyalty to three countries in his lifetime. I know Canada ain't Kenya or Indonesia, but can you imagine if this were Obama's origin story?


  1. Oh, Obama could get away with it - or with having actually been born and raised in Kenya, Indonesia, or Patagonia, by card-carrying Moslemcommiefascistwhatsits - IF he had Cruz' politics.

  2. Yeah, I did a double-take when I heard this piece on the radio, too. Certainly different from Marco Rubio's falsehoods about his parents!

  3. A secret Commie? who wudda thunk...

  4. He should go back to Cuba, then..... Work for Fidel.....

  5. Rafael Cruz was never a communist. Many Cubans fought with Castro, because, at the time, Castro didn't let it be known that he was a communist. He was known as a freedom fighter against an extremely brutal dictator, Batista, who was killing or imprisoning thousands of his own people. When the truth came out about Castro's communist ties, most of the Cubans, Cruz included, left Castro's side. If you weren't alive or paying attention back then, you should just shut up. To bribe one's way out of a bad situation isn't a crime.

  6. If you weren't alive or paying attention back then, you should just shut up.

    I greatly admire your devotion to freedom, especially freedom of speech.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. seriously??? you believe that bho's father was a presence in his life? you need to catch up on the facts. bho senior never had any thing to do with him after the age of about 10 days when stanley ann moved to washington state, except for a 'visit' with him in hawaii during bho's preteen years. oh and btw...bho's grandfather stanley dunham WAS a card carrying communist and pals with frank marshall davis. you looneyleftykoolaid drinking progressives really need to read and learn.

  9. I know all that, connie. BHO's father must have been an influence in his life even if his father didn't stick around. Barry did (supposedly) write "Dreams of my Father". His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro was also a muslim, and yes, FMD and Bo's grandfather were card carrying communists. I am certainly NOT a liberal, anything but! I can't stand Obama or his policies. Just saying how does anyone know that Cruz, Sr. was a communist? The Cubans back then, were as afraid of Batista as the Iraqi's were of Saddam Hussein. Many Cubans fought on the side of Castro in the early days of the Cuban revolution and that's not an indication that they were communists. Castro certainly didn't advertise that he was a communist. Many Cubans did whatever they had to, bribery, etc. to get out of Cuba. Can't say that I blame them. I was in college back then. I don't believe that Ted Cruz is even eligible to be president. He is not a natural born citizen, born in this country to TWO citizen parents. He was born in Canada and only his mother was a citizen. He's not eligible!

  10. Rumor has it that Fidel, YES Fidel paid for Ted's education. Wonder why?

  11. Sr. Cruz was 17 at the time and Cuba was a horrid place to live....still is.
    As far as Obama's story....who is his daddy, really?
    There are at least three named possibilities.......old Stanley got around. Check out Mr. Subud.

  12. Anyone want to comment on Trumps innuendo that Papa Cruz was connected to Oswald and that he had s significant level of hatred for JFK??

  13. I don't know if that story is true, but it is a possibility. Cruz, Sr. did live in New Orleans about that time.
