Sunday, June 23, 2013


To say the least:
I met him once. He was the kind of dumb you are when you don’t know the language. But he knew the language.


Another socialist bites the dust.

I feel a slight spring in my step


Genocide starts 5 minutes after he checks out.


Old communists never die, they just fade away.


The world communist media can build any POS to a "world leader" to the adoring dumb masses....


Obama is probably trying to get Mandela's death scheduled to coincide with his big Africa trip next week (June 26-July 3). He never misses an opportunity to grandstand, especially about racial matters.


If anyone can do it - The Obamessiah can. Remember when his Hawaain grandmother died in '08? Bammie managed to cremate the old Typical White Person and toss her ashes off a cliff between campaign speeches.


Another pos Marxist about to be a good Marxist


Time to start sharpening the machetes and assigning the rape crews to the neighborhoods.


just watch the slaughter and riots now


Yup. And my classmates thought I was a racist for saying this commie bastard was overrated.


Hasta la vista, @$$hole.


That's pretty interesting. Maybe we now know who Ubama's father is..


Obama will weep like a little girl dumped by her 1st boyfriend.


F that commie POS. South Africa used to be the shining jewel of Africa.

Then the world's leftards made a hero of Mandela and handed the country of South Africa over to tribes of "guest workers" who weren't even in that territory when white Europeans civilized it. One of history's great injustices.


sounds like our situation here in the good ol' US of A.


I wish I believed in hell so he could burn in it.


Hell's gate is opening wide to greet this POS, hope his pain meds do not work.


Yup, Mandela was a murderer, torturer, all round good guy who should have been put to death by the same means that he used to kill many South Africans. His "hero status" reminds me of the occupant of our white hut.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Republican base.


  1. Yuppers, this is who they are.

  2. Wow...stupid *and* delusional. A rare combination, but those idiots have it down to a science.

  3. ZOINKS!!!

    Lower that amoeba poop in the Marianas Trench.

  4. Stay classy, Freeps.
