Wednesday, May 08, 2013


From the linked story:
Hardin County 356th District Court Judge Steve Thomas on Wednesday ruled in favor of the Kountze ISD cheerleaders in a case about Scripture banners, said Beaumont Attorney David Starnes....

Starnes represents the 15 cheerleaders in their fight to keep Bible banners....

Each game this season, the Kountze cheerleaders have made Christian-themed run-through signs for the football players. The signs, which featured scripture verses, went viral and have now been stopped by the school district's leaders who were told by a group the signs were offensive and against the separation of church and state....
Here's an example:

Gosh, only a silly liberal could look at a banner like that and think it represented government establishing a religion!

Maybe we should just concede the winger theory that the individual states have a right to establish their own religions. In blue America, I'm reasonably certain that we'd hash it out, embrace diversity, and decide we wanted to hold the line against a state-sanctioned faith. In red America, by contrast, the citizens who aren't evangelical right-wing Christians would swiftly learn just how welcome they are.

The reason the right is obsessed with the notion that Islam seeks to impose "dhimmitude" on non-Muslims, even in the West, is that right-wingers, if they had their way, would happily declare non-Christians to be lower-class citizens, people whose presence in America they merely tolerate.


UPDATE: Bonus reason we should actively encourage Texas to secede:

(Arias, about whom I know next to nothing, was found guilty of murder.)


  1. Yeah, but Steve, the fun of all of the Reich-wing's Jesus freaks having to choose their state's religion, is going to be watching all of the flavors of the Dominionist Evangelical Christian Baskin-Robbins shoppe, fight it out to the death for that dominion.

    We can have states with their own "Hundred Years Wars," televised on FOX 'n Sucks, CNN, MSNBC, the networks, and the BBC, where someone might actually know something about religious wars, and why our Founding Fathers decided to forever keep church and state, seperate.

  2. How can I put this delicately? Oh never mind. Stockman is lower than pond scum.

  3. The reason the right is obsessed with the notion that Islam seeks to impose "dhimmitude" on non-Muslims, even in the West, is that right-wingers, if they had their way, would happily declare non-Christians to be lower-class citizens, people whose presence in America they merely tolerate.

    Bingo. Nicely put.

  4. Animals, less than sufficiently evolved, less.than human, bow down to gods.

    Human Beings, do not.

    No fear.

  5. Not to mention how STUPID it is to invoke Christianity as magickal, which is all any entity like a football team is doing in this case(and every one like it)...

  6. If they were carrying a green flag with a crescent moon would you be this irked?

    If you want to complain about establishment complain about the legal monopoly of monogamy.

  7. Yes, I would. Invoking ANY religion as some kind of special magick, just for them, is moronic in the extreme.

  8. Me too -- a public school playing religious favorites is a public school playing religious favorites.
