Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I can't find a clip or transcript online, but I briefly turned to Sean Hannity's show last night and he was talking to Mark Fuhrman -- yes, that Mark Fuhrman -- about the Boston bombings. Their take?

As I recall, Hannity piously said, "I hate bring politics into this," and then went on to argue that there's no point in having gun control laws because someone who wants to kill a lot of people can always build a bomb (as if we haven't learned from the would-be Times Square bomber, not to mention the Columbine killers, that bombs aren't that easy to build -- oh, and please note that while the injury toll in Boston is horrible, Adam Lanza's death toll, if we include Lanza himself, is nine times the death toll in Boston). Fuhrman also hated to bring politics into this, but he agreed.

Cue Atlantic house libertarian Conor Friedersdorf:

Excuse me, Conor? You cover politics for a living, for money, and you just found this out? Even though Fuhrman has made frequent appearances on Fox for years?

Y'know, Conor, maybe if you watched a little Fox once in a while, you might understand why some of us liberals are less willing than you to snuggle up to right-wingers when they make their occasional forays into sanity on issues such as drones. You just noticed that Fox employs Fuhrman? I'd say you've gone about half an inch into the rot. The rot goes very, very deep.

You ought to immerse yourself in it. Listen to talk radio all day for a week. Watch Fox all evening. In your spare time, pore over some right-wing Web sites. Bathe in the divisiveness and the conspiratorialism and the sheer, unbridled hate. Then maybe you'll understand why we have a hard time when you tell us what a swell guy Rand Paul is.


  1. If Conor and GG didn't exist, would you invent someone like them for the sake of one of these rants? You're getting mad because he didn't know Mark Fuhrman is on Fox? Jesus.

  2. The problem is, once you step through into the FOX/RW Talk Radio looking glass, your heart and mind are never the same.

    You see the very worst in humanity.

    I stopped a long, long time ago, because I value what little sanity, and caring for others, I still have.

  3. You're getting mad because he didn't know Mark Fuhrman is on Fox?

    I'm getting mad because he's constantly finding tiny nuggets of fool's gold in the dungpile that is the modern conservative movement, and he's never acknowledged that the pile primarily consists of massive amounts of dung.

  4. Considering how much attention Friedersdorf does pay to right-wing media & the crap it spews it is surprising he didn't know "that" M.F. was a contributor, although to be fair I don't think he pays much attention to FOXNews.

    Will Hannity & Fuhrman ever take their legal logic far enough to conclude that drug laws are pointless because people continue to use drugs, laws or not? Also abortions, too, as well as every other law on the books. ANARCHY!!!

  5. So if the poor dead and injured Bostonians had been shot instead of bombed ... well I guess the shooter would have every right to be defended by the Wingnut-o-sphere and we could all just move right along.

  6. "Adam Lanza's death toll, if we include Lanza himself, is nine times the death toll in Boston."

    Poor bomb placement?

    I think you are right that effective bombing takes more skill than spraying a crowd with an assault rifle.

    If they don't find this guy he may well do better, next time.
