Saturday, March 30, 2013


Charlotte and Harriet Childress have published an op-ed in The Washington Post titled "White Men Have Much to Discuss About Mass Shootings." Obviously they're right when they say that mass shooters are nearly always white males. And they're right about the fact that if both mass shooters and the defenders of gun rights were overwhelmingly of the same non-white race, the rest of the culture would accord gun-rights defenders far less respect.

But mass shooters, for the most part, aren't the alpha males within their own culture, even though most come from America's alpha race.

And maybe that's the problem. If you're white and male (and middle- or upper-middle-class), the culture tells you that you can have it all. If you're white, male, and developing paranoid schizophrenia, or having profound difficulties with socialization, you're falling short of very, very high expectations. Why aren't you thriving? You're a person who's supposed to be thriving! Everyone in your demographic category can thrive!

Young American males of other ethnicities are conditioned to expect disappointment in life. White suburban males are led to believe that the world is their oyster. Maybe it's falling short of these high cultural expectations that attracts a certain percentage of socially struggling white males to fantasies of violent revenge. They want to kill because they're expected to dominate, and this is the only way they know how.


  1. Well, yes. Just read any MRA (Men's Rights Activist) site or PUA (Pickup Artist) site. These are full of rage filled, self described "beta" males and "incels" (involuntarily celibate) who absolutely believe that women are the reward being denied them which they deserve because they are members of the master sex. They are as bitter against Alpha males, handsome males, ugly guys with good looking women, and wealthy males as the most ardent revolutionary. Only pathetic cowardice or a certain level of realistic fear keeps their ugly attacks on women (and other men) online and not out in the real world.

    These guys are passive agressive but it doesn't take much to turn them agressive. When a guy tips over from socially unsuccessful to socially unsuccessful with schizophrenia and grandiose beliefs in himself you have a recipe for disaster. I doubt very much if this is as limited to white males as it appears but I do think that white male teens are shielded from the consequences of acting this shit out at an early age. Black or hispanic youths that exhibited as much strange, anti social, or violent tendencies are probably incarcerated or killed at a much higher rate or their crimes, because committed against other underclass persons, are largely ignored.

    The Atlanta murderer who killed...what, 30 kids? did so slowly over a long period of time and no one even noticed or cared. If Adam Lanza had grown up to do what he did stealthily he probably would never have been caught.

  2. The only reason Ronald Reagan was ever FOR gun control, was the Black Panther Movement, back in the late 60's.

    You can bet that if it was young "Blah" males out there shooting and killing children in schools, or people in movie theaters, we'd get a lot more traction on some REAL gun control.

    Mind you, I'm not advacating that, I'm just sayin'...

  3. Little yapper rat-dogs who'll roll over for the alpha.

  4. I have long supported the theory that our unique dichotomy (You can have it all! -slash- BUT! tsk-tsk-tsk, here are the exceptions!) as Americans is why we produce most of the serial/mass killers. USA! USA! USA!

  5. Here is an explanation for why most serial killers (or mass killers for that matter) are white men. It may not be what you think:

  6. Warning -- the above link goes to a white supremicist website.

  7. Yep. Freakin' STORMFRONT. Here's da WHOIS:

    La Griffe du Lion
    Enrico Leone
    7 Slade Ave
    Baltimore, MD 21208
    Phone: +1.4104849437

    Registrar Name....:
    Registrar Whois...:
    Registrar Homepage:

    Domain Name:
    Created on..............: 2002-02-18
    Expires on..............: 2014-02-18

    Administrative Contact:
    TalkTalk Business Group Limited
    Domain Admin
    Garrett Field, Birchwood
    Warrington, WA3 7BH
    Phone: +44.8000833003

    Technical Contact:
    TalkTalk Business Group Limited
    Domain Admin
    Garrett Field, Birchwood
    Warrington, WA3 7BH
    Phone: +44.8000833003

    TSK, TSK...take a hike, Hitlerite!

  8. It occurs, as I stop by having just read a piece at Dr. Cole's place of the frankenstine monster our anthropogenic atmospheric disruption is exponetially becoming to confront photos of fat-assed, fat-bellied, pink skinned hairless "Storm Troopers" - once I picked my nuts up from where they hit the floor as I laughed them off - that this is a breed fundamentally unsuited to survivial of the... ahhh... trying times ahead. Its like every trait evolved for survival in hotter harsher climes has been bred out of them, leaving naught but a pale imitation of human.

    Like a really expensive dog. A white, dog...

    No fear.

  9. Meanwhile, back here at the N. Tx. ranch (as it were), on the heels of the public & fatal shooting of a Kaufman County assistant DA a few weeks ago, now the Kaufman Co. DA & his wife are found shot to death at their home. In the latter case, at least, it appears the weapon was an assault rifle with 14 rounds expended; and at present, most suspicions seem to be that the Aryan Brotherhood is behind all 3, along with suspicion that the Colorado warden-killer (himself killed less than 100 miles NW of Kaufman County while heading that way) is also connected. Talk about a bunch of "omega white males"... and do you think there's any chance that the madly pro-any-and-all-gun attitude, or the just-subsurface racism, hereabouts might change on account of all this? I don't either.

  10. It took fourteen rounds to take out two people in bed!?

    No fear...

  11. Dunno why so many shots fired yet. The wife was found in front of the house, the DA inside.

  12. Ten Bears
    It all depends on the circumstances,
    how many shots in the bodies, where the victims were i.e. a chase then fear and or bad aim. if multiple shots close range Rage, hysterical emotional blind rage ...

  13. Just... sprayin' bullits, kinda' like koffee ore your keyboard?
