Thursday, February 21, 2013


Tweet posted at 7:00 A.M. by the folks at Rupert Murdoch's morning show:

Um ... if you're on Twitter already, why would you need to wait fifteen minutes to "find out" what the "interesting twist" is from a bunch of Botoxed people on your TV? Why wouldn't you just use the Internet-enabled device on which you're currently reading Twitter messages to look up the "interesting twist," which you can do in about ten seconds?

(Spoiler alert: the "interesting twist" is that the investigating officer in charge of the Oscar Pistorius case is now being charged with attempted murder himself. Hell, you could even find that out by going to the Fox News site.)

To me, Fox always seems to have a creaky, outdated feel -- I'm amused every time I go to Fox Nation and see, in qamong all the spittle-flecked rage at socialist gun-grabbing religion-bashers, a sidebar "cheesecake" photo of some celebrity flashing lots of cleavage. I guess it's not much different from the Huffington Post's careful curation of sideboob shots, but it makes sense at HuffPo and pure entertainment sites because these sites are the supermarket checkout magazines of an online age. Fox is just offering Page 3 girls for old punters who don't know how to use their computers to find actual porn. It's bizarre.


  1. FOX is for old people who forgot that news was supposed to inform them and not reinforce their prejudices via propaganda, and younger people who didn't know that in the first place.

    And the propaganda is propelled by loud manly-men, and cute, largely stupid and/or ignorant women, in short skirts and plunging necklines.

    It's kind of like a combo of People Magazine and Pravda.

  2. Far be it from me to be perceived as defending the boob link bait at Fox Nation, but have you scrolled down below a post at Talking Points Memo recently? I realize that the TPM boobs are paid advertising links to some shitty url, but...

    Also, this is not coming from a prude. Who amongst us has not fallen to the allure of some juicy link bait!

  3. I guess I'm the only one whose mind went immediately to imagining the whole gang there as animated characters hittin' the road in a green van to fight crimes and solve mysteries? Yeah. As George Carlin said, "these are the thoughts that kept me out of all the good schools."

  4. The cleavage pics at Fox Nation are somewhat ironic given the cable network's general cultural conservatism. Then again the mixmash of news and entertainment at Faux has always been a feature rather than a bug.

  5. A key component to The Kool-Aid: the Ambien, Prozac, Viagra and crotch-shots on Fox Kool-Aid. Every thirteen minutes... I've come across a couple studies, or perhaps the same study a couple of times that quite graphically reveals back at least till oughtsix (then nineteen) that every thirteen minutes some where out there in Cable Nooze Land Petunia spreads her legs.

    Nazi Science. Works great. Look it up.

    No fear...

  6. Hey...layoff the side boob stuff....there is a lot to be said about side boobs...oh...we weren't talking about the couch potatoes at Fox? they are just "boobs" then...

  7. To be fair (can't believe I just typed that about Fox) there are a few people who can receive text messages on their phone (and Twitter is available via text) but do not have smart phones with internet.

    But their numbers are few. And dwindling.
