Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Dare Workers Demand Pay

The epitome of capitalism: workers who get paid only at the whim of their employer.

From the Mountain Eagle:
A coal company owned by one of the world’s wealthiest men is refusing to pay money owed to laid off coal miners who had participated in a “loyalty reward plan,” lawsuits filed by five underground miners charge.
The Mountain Eagle knows how to write a lede.

The rest of the article is behind a paywall, but the AP has more details at the Herald:
Five Eastern Kentucky miners who were laid off have filed lawsuits claiming a Tennessee coal company and two subsidiaries are refusing to pay them according to a signed agreement.

The Mountain Eagle reports the miners filed suit in Letcher Circuit Court against United Coal Co., based in Blountville, Tenn., and its subsidiaries, Whitesburg-based Sapphire Coal and Wellmore coal based in Big Rock, Va.

The suits say that the employees signed a "loyalty reward plan" which offered early payment of deferred compensation for layoffs or closings and that the companies haven't provided the payments.

1 comment:

  1. This, THIS, is why we need to dramatically increase the taxes on corporations, and the rich people behind them:
    These despicable entities have enough money left over and lying around somewhere, to pay lawyers more to make their point in a lawsuit, than it would cost to just give the people what was owed them.

    I think France's 75% rate sounds a little low. I suggest some rate thats' more American - more patriotic!
    How about the 91% top rate the richest had under Ike.

    Then, the corporations and rich people, can spend whatever money they have left over, on CPA's and Tax Attorney's, to try to find some loopholes, instead of screwing their consumers and workers.
