Tuesday, November 06, 2012


I'm not taking this story (from Glenn Beck's Blaze) seriously at all -- except as a reminder that what it predicts about Obama could actually happen on Romney's side:

New York Times best-selling author Brad Thor, based in Chicago, tells TheBlaze that the Obama campaign may be planning to preemptively announce victory in the presidential election based on early voting numbers in an attempt to "demoralize Mitt Romney supporters."

Citing a "very solid source" in Chicago, Thor says the Obama campaign is looking to make it appear to voters that they have "this thing sewed up and are less than 24 hours to victory," according to his source....

While Thor can't reveal his source, he told TheBlaze multiple times that the source is very reliable....
I don't see the Obama people doing this. I can absolutely imagine the Romney people trying it. I can imagine Fox News attempting to distort what's going on today in order to encourage late voters to turn out for Romney and join a wave that doesn't really exist. I think Team Romney's con game is going to continue throughout today, into the evening, and even beyond if we don't have a clear winner as of tonight. And, hell, it may continue even if we do. I'm not sure Romney will concede even if it's obvious to all but the most fervid right-wingers that he's lost. I don't put qanything past him.


Brad Thor writes very successful thrillers, but he doesn't know any more about anything that your Fox-obsessed uncle. That doesn't preventing him from being offered multiple opportunities to feign expertise in the right-wing media. His latest tweet publicizes his most recent TV appearance:

In 2007, on Glenn Beck's TV show (which was on CNN at the time), he offered this recommendation for America's future course in Iraq:
"You have to let loose the dogs of war, let these guys do what they need to do to get the job done. The fact is that after we did Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and I'm not saying that's what we ought to do now, but everybody respected us. Nobody messed with us."
In May of 2010, Thor had an "exclusive" on the Breitbart site Big Government claiming that Taliban leader Mullah Omar had been captured. It was, um, not true. He is still at large.


  1. Yup, I was wondering what the protocol is if a candidate clearly loses but doesn't concede because I wouldn't put it past Mittens.

  2. When Obama wins, they'll be crying about the Democrats cheating for the next 4 years.
    This, from the same people who have started suppressing people's votes and intimidating them. They're also the people who are invested in Electronic Voting Machines.
    I wouldn't be surprised to go to bed thinking that Obama won - only to wake up to a Mitt landslide. Those voting machines owe Mitt a good ROI.

  3. Of course, what Thor is describing isn't even remotely illegal or even unethical.

    Thor says "Obama campaign may be planning to preemptively announce victory in the presidential election based on early voting numbers in an attempt to 'demoralize Mitt Romney supporters.'"

    So Romney voters are going to stay home because their opponent says the early voting numbers favor their opponent? More likely such voters stay home because they can't operate the doorknob.

    "Meanwhile, team Obama will also urge voters to get out and vote so they can say they were part of the important 2012 election that resulted in a second term for Obama."

    Isn't that the definition of a political campaign?

  4. Brad Thor.

    I just bet that's not his legal name.

  5. Carnac: "Brad Thor."

    Ed: "Brad Thor."

    Carnac: "What doth Brad thay when Brad thits on a thtaple?"

  6. "Meanwhile, team Obama will also urge voters to get out and vote so they can say they were part of the important 2012 election that resulted in a second term for Obama."

    Shocking! This is legal?

    (Man, those comments over at the Blaze are scary.)


  7. "I'll be on w/ @loudobbsnews on @foxbusiness tonight at 7:15 pm to discuss Democrat strategies to suppress Republican voter turnout

    — Brad Thor (@BradThor) November 5, 2012"

    One of the vote suppression strategeries was to have a mural of Obama painted by some kids in a school. Scary, intimidating stuff.
