Thursday, June 14, 2012


Just spotted this at Politico's Playbook:
MARK HALPERIN's "Between the Lines," in the forthcoming issue of TIME: "Some Romney advisers sound especially bullish, with one positing that a big win by their side is now more likely than a narrow Obama victory."
See what Romney's people are doing here? It's what they've been doing since they effectively clinched the nomination: they're spinning the mainstream press by exuding confidence and pugnaciousness and even arrogance. If they act like winners, the press will think they're winners. The press will think they're the 2012 equivalent of the 2008 Obama campaign. (Here, of course, they're spinning one of the most spinnable journalists in the Beltway, a guy whose palms get especially moist when a Republican acts all manly.)

Confidence is sexy -- every women's magazine says that. Men's magazines, too, and those "how to pick up girls" guides you used to see advertised in the backs of magazines.

That's the basis on which we're going to choose the Leader of the Free World.

I see this even in the Forbes story that says Sheldon Adelson's funding of Romney's election effort could be $100 million, not just $10 million. Team Romney wants to proclaim this because the campaign wants reporters to be in awe of Romney. That's the strategy.

It isn't really working on the voters yet, according to the polls. On reporters? It seems to be working like a charm.


  1. The Egyptian military just shut down the "Arab Spring" in Egypt.

  2. "I see this even in the Forbes story that says Sheldon Adelson's funding of Romney's election effort could be $100 million, not just $10 million."

    Yeah, I'm not seeing this resonating with many voters. Am I naive?

  3. Sex-slaves across this once great nation, male and female, have to stand and applaud our MSM's ability to pleasure their masters!

    And, like diseased, down-and-out crack 'ho's - these people will swallow anything put before them.

  4. Is this the arrival of the confidence fairy everyone has been talking about?
