Friday, May 11, 2012


I see that on the Fox News show The Five there was a discussion yesterday of the (non-)fact that Barack Obama used to deal drugs:

As Fox News discussed the report that Mitt Romney forcibly cut a high school classmate's hair, the channel's hosts steered conversation toward President Obama admitting to drug use in his memoir, Dreams From My Father.

But Fox could not confine itself to reliving the details of a book published 17 years ago -- its hosts baselessly suggested that Obama had dealt drugs.

During the May 10 edition of
The Five, co-hosts Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld had this exchange....
BOLLING: What would you call a guy who not only used cocaine, but dealt cocaine in high school and/or college? What would you call that kind of guy?

GUTFELD: The president.


BOLLING: Besides "president."

That would be Greg Gutfeld, author of the 2010 book The Bible of Unspeakable Truths -- which includes a chapter with this title and subtitle:

In this chapter (after a bit of damning-with-faint-praise of Obama for acknowledging drug use in his memoir), Gutfeld goes on to say:

Which leads to my major truth: People who never tried drugs are, well, weird. It's a natural human inclination to want to try things that seem fun, and I've never met a human being who didn't want to seek oblivion in one form or another. People who don't have that need aren't stupid or evil, they're just kind of odd.

This from a man whose job from now till November is to help get Mitt Romney elected.


  1. "People who never tried drugs are, well, weird..."

    And then, there's the danger of the ifjit's who did too much, and don't realize it.

    I did.
    But I know better.

  2. Mitt's gonna go wild one of these days and try a cup of tea.

  3. The Revolution is still coming. Bankers will again be thrown from windows, politicians tarred and feathered will be loaded upon railcars. Those who conspire to rule over us exposed, and summarily eliminated.

    In my god days I hope to never kill again, but forty years ago I did swear an oath to defend this land against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    There will be blood in the streets this summer.

  4. I've never met a human being who didn't want to seek oblivion in one form or another. People who don't have that need aren't stupid or evil, they're just kind of odd.

    Yeah, there's someone to take seriously. He's so reasonable about his gobbing idiocy.
