Saturday, May 12, 2012


An excerpt from Mitt Romney's speech at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University today:

"Culture matters," Romney said.
The power of these values is evidenced by a Brookings Institution study that Senator Rick Santorum brought to my attention. For those who graduate from high school, get a full-time job, and marry before they have their first child, the probability that they will be poor is 2 percent. But, if those things are absent, 76 percent will be poor.

I detest the sanctimoniousness of both Santorum and Romney. Are these statistics accurate? Probably. Are people who are at risk of either remaining in poverty or falling into poverty simply going to be able to will themselves to follow these rules? No, the vast majority of them aren't. Oh, sure, maybe some will respond well if you throw this set of stats at them and urge them to stay on the straight and narrow. And maybe some parents would push their kids to follow the guidelines as well.

But just wagging a finger this way at the poor is not going to save most kids from poverty. Kids drop out because their home lives are a miss, because their schools are awful, and because they think there are going to be only very limited opportunities for them once they're adults -- a belief that's probably accurate. They don't take pains to avoid pregnancy for the same reason -- what wonderful life do they expect they'll have if they delay parenting? And they don't pursue work because the see so few jobs available -- certainly very few good jobs -- and they can't imagine a life in which they ascend into the middle class because doing that is such a struggle for everyone around them.

And getting a lecture like this from a born-on-third-base-and-thinks-he-hit-a-triple guy like Romney only compounds the obnoxiousness.


  1. "The power of these values is evidenced by a Brookings Institution study that Senator Rick Santorum brought to my attention. For those who graduate from high school, get a full-time job, and marry before they have their first child, the probability that they..."

    'Believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, is very high.'
    AKA: NCLB, American Blue-collar manufacturing jobs, and 'Abstinence Only.'

    And Mitt wasn't born on 3rd base, thinking he'd hit a triple - no, he was born in the dugout, knowing that his Daddy had already scored his run.

    FSM, I may be able to take another 6 months of this smug, animatronic, walking, lecturing, malapropistic, Ken doll flapping his gums at me - but, Sweet Jeebuz, I can't take it for another 4 or 8 years afterwards.

    Since Mitt's hired mostly old Reagan, "Papa Doc," and "Baby Doc" cronies, what else can people expect but the same disastrous policies that led us to be the nearly-ruined, almost bankrupt (financially and intellectually), Banana Republic we are today - thanks to banana's Republicans?

    Ratchet-up the hatred, fear, and loathing, Mitt - people don't feckin' like you!
    So you'll need even MORE Jesusy racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and homophobia, than the average Republican waste of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.

    Is that tough for a Mormon? I don't see why - you speak the Dominionist Christian language fluently - and you can dog-whistle with the best of them!

    A vote for Mitt, is a vote for economic suicide.

    And Mitt's the mortician and greeter at the Funeral Home, wearing an expensive Brooks Brothers suit and glad-handing everyone.
    You know, the motherfecker who doesn't care whether you live or die - but knows you're worth far more to him dead, than alive.

    This election is a test of the countries intelligence and memory - and if that doesn't make you soil your BVD's or panties, I sure as sh*t don't know what the feck will.

    America may already be well, and truly fecked - but Mitt will make that as sure a thing as the sun rising in the east, or a man who's born rich, to be clue-free about the lives of those who aren't.

  2. Hello Steve,
    One area that the Republicans can count on is the Ultra Religious South Western section of Virginia. This is the land of Jerry Falwell’s mega “Thomas Road Baptist Church” and the continuing education (reinforcing brainwashing) Liberty University. Science classes of Creationism and the Evolution Lie, etc.

    When I had to travel in this area for business, I was always careful of what I said or being overheard saying, so to make sure I would not be burned as a Warlock witch. Honestly, Really Scary People There…..and of course they will vote for Romney.

    I have posted a piece called “The Full Quiver Project” that explains how far to the extreme these people are going.
