Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'll admit that this doesn't seem emotionally healthy -- although I keep thinking it could all be part of an elaborate and not entirely crazy act of self-preservation, as I'll explain below:

Like two worried parents with a wayward child, George Zimmerman's lawyers stood puzzled in front of the Seminole County Courthouse on Tuesday and admitted they'd lost control.

Zimmerman has not talked to or communicated with them since Sunday, said Craig Sonner, one of his lawyers.

Worse, Zimmerman has done two dangerous things, his lawyers said, He telephoned a special prosecutor who's trying to put together a criminal case against him, and he called Sean Hannity of Fox News....


[Attorney Hal] Uhrig told reporters who were looking for Zimmerman like an "Easter egg hunt" to "stop looking in Florida, look much further away."

The thought I keep having -- and maybe it's utterly ridiculous -- is that what Charlie Pierce says to Hannity here is wrong:

I'm going to go way out on a limb here and say, Sean, if you've got an ounce of human dignity left in you, ... get out of this fast. The next time Zimmerman calls, tell him to get a real lawyer and to do what the lawyer tells him to do. And then hang up the phone. The man is plainly unstrung and seems to have decided that the way out of his troubles is to become a cable-television celebrity.

I keep thinking that we've become such a deranged country that maybe becoming a fugitive, and becoming Sean Hannity's confidant, actually is appropriate for George Zimmerman.

I'm imagining a bizarre scenario in which Zimmerman has fled to another state -- a very red state. He's doing it before he's indicted, and maybe he'll say that means he's not really a fugitive yet. And I could imagine that Hannity is with him on this 100%, and might even be giving him advice.

Now, if he's indicted in Florida on felony charges, federal law says he has to be extradited back to Florida. But has this become such a crazy country, particularly in its redder, more Fox-saturated precincts, that a governor might refuse to extradite Zimmerman, daring Florida to take him to court and force the extradition? Say, a Bobby Jindal or a Jan Brewer? Or maybe a sheriff would get involved -- Arpaio? And maybe Fox, or at least Hannity, would lead a wingnut-media campaign to get the crazy base angry about the indictment and the extradition order, in order to keep Zimmerman free? And could that actually work?

I'm just to the point where I assume that if this particular case doesn't lead to deliberate movement-conservative-motivated flouting of the law, some case in the future will. I think we're headed to near-civil war in this country, if not literal civil war, sooner or later, so nothing would surprise me.


  1. I'd bet the NRA or some shadow associate group has offered Zimmerman free counsel. They have as much to lose as he does. The former lawyers' defense seemed to be to learn the known facts, before suggesting some unknown ones that benefit him. The NRA would want a more proactive attack, and if Zimmerman is as nervous as he should be, he probably likes that strategy better. It worked out pretty well for Bernard Goetz.

  2. Sounds very plausible.

  3. I would Hope you are wrong in this worry, but I wouldn't be surprised by much these days. Way too much crazy going around.

  4. My bet's that Zimmerman is hiding inside Hannity's roll-top desk.

  5. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I'm betting on some kind of insanity defense. Sure, the rule says that only people who a reasonably afraid can kill someone else out of hand, but if the proof that you weren't "reasonably" afraid is that you're bugfsck crazy and unstable, then you win either way.

  6. I just hope Georgie doesn't come to Texas. We got problems enough. It'd be right up Gov. Oops' alley, though.
