Saturday, April 21, 2012


Andrew Breitbart loved '80s music, I'm told, but here's a post about a couple of his cultists exchanging a visual tribute to their deceased cult leader that looks like an unusually bad '70s black-light poster, one that would look really far out next to that poster of twelve couples in different sexual positions representing the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Breitbart Portrait Presented to Team Breitbart at #BlogConCLT...

The portrait was created and presented by Jim Jamitis, or Anthropocon. The words that comprise Andrew's face were comprised of Breitbart quotes.

It is beautiful and brilliant.

Dana Loesch has a beautiful Instagram of the portrait.


Excuse me, I'm going to have a double eye transplant now. I don't think there's enough Visine in America to wash my eyes out adequately after a glimpse at something like this.

(Found at Free Republic.)


  1. The prints will sell like cheap Romanian ammo at gunshhows. Day-Glo too, I bet, at least the deluxe version.

    But do I perceive a certain Stalinist heroic-worker aesthetic? This cabeza would look just right topping off a 40-foot concrete weightlifter holding a mallet, somewhere in the lower Urals.

  2. And these are the people who accuse the left of worshiping Obama...
