Friday, April 27, 2012


I once imagined that every right-winger in America would eventually write a terrible three-chord tea party anthem, all of which would be collected on YouTube as evidence that the aliens really should come to Earth and put human civilization out of its misery. Well, the writing of tea party anthems seems to have gone out of fashion.

Instead, we have the likes of the new anthem of the Drunk Dead Wingnut Jesus Cult, "Breitbart Is Here":

Wow. That makes that Santorum "Game On" song sound like Springsteen.

Question: Why do a surprising number of these people pen their right-wing anthems in the style of seventies rock, that bastion of no-nuke, Nixon-hating granola peaceniks? Yeah, I'm hearing Allman Brothers here, but also a bit of Jackson Browne. Wingnuts listen to Jackson Browne? Really?

(Found at the wingnut site I Own the World.)


Oh, and if you can't bear to sit through the whole thing, skip ahead to about 2:20. That's when it gets truly awful.


  1. I suggest the singer call himself, "Gordon Lightfoot-in-mouth."

    I could only make it to the 54 second mark, because that was all I could take without trying to deafen and blind myself by jabbing knitting needles into my ears and eyes, so maybe I missed some of the other influences you cite.

    Like comedy, Conservatives don't do music very well.

    Maybe it's because, as far as comedy is concerned, they suffer from an irony deficiency; and as far as music, maybe it's that they're never 'in tune' with the times and zeitgeist.

  2. Skip ahead to about 2:20. That's when it gets truly awful.

  3. Ok, but only for you!

  4. I'm gonna' take your word for it, Steve, though I have to admit surprise at the opening still. Do I smell petiole oil? I mean I get the blonde chick part, but seriously, a dreadlocked tea party drum circle?

    Actually, I think I smell PR.

    Hey "c", welcome back.

  5. Oh my FSM!!!
    "The horror... the horror..."

    I have my own take, using the same "melody:"

    'Breitbarts's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
    And no matter how much you want him alive in your head,
    Breitbarts's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
    No matter what state you live in, blue or red,
    Breitbarts's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead.
    And no matter how much you want him to appear,
    You can write songs about him, and pull picture outcher rear,
    He'll never again be here, or here, or here, or here,
    'Cause Breitbarts's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead.'
    Nothing else ever needs to be said,
    Breitbarts's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead.'

    "Hey, thank you!"

    And, according to Conservatives, it was us "Liberal Fascists" who developed 'Cult's of Personality,' demanding pictures in the homes of "our" leaders, like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, right?
    And, the right makes fun of Liberals for the Che t-shirts?

    For the right, it's all about "Cult's of Nasty Personalities."

  6. Ten Bears,

    I read the comments you and the other folks wrote, but for awhile, I couldn't respond, because, 'I had no mouth, and couldn't scream!'

    I'm hoping this lasts.
    But with the shape my laptop's in, all I can say is, I'll enjoy this while I can.

  7. Like TB said, c u n d. You wuz missed.

  8. Thanks.
    And I missed all y'all, too!

    Oops, too many years in NC!

  9. Wingnuts listen to Jackson Browne? Really?
    Not to the lyrics, whatever they may say. (You mean Jackson Brown, the Darryl Hannah abuser?)

    And face it, all those '70s singer-songwriter dipsticks were aesthetically & musically conservative. No surprise these reactionaries return to that time.

  10. Have to concur with you on the 70's whiners, M. Bouffant. No offense intended to anyone, of course.
