Sunday, April 15, 2012


This is a great find, but I don't think it's going to reverse the trajectory of the "war on women" story as decisively as a lot of people probably think it will:

Romney and allies cried that Democrats had declared "war on moms" after a Democratic strategist said Romney's wife hadn't worked a day in her life....

But ... this morning, MSNBC's Chris Hayes dug up a video of Romney from just January in which the Republican presidential candidate said he wanted to require women who receive welfare to work outside the home, even if their children are very young. He told a New Hampshire audience:
"I wanted to increase the work requirement," said Romney. "I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, 'Well that’s heartless.' And I said, 'No, no, I'm willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work."

Here's the problem: Too many Americans agree that, ideally, women with children shouldn't work outside the home. Too many women with children agree with that -- they think their own lives are arranged wrong. And then, simultaneously, they agree that welfare mothers should work outside the home, even if their children are very young (and even if -- perhaps especially if -- they have five kids just like Ann Romney).

A lot of people think of themselves are failures if they're not Mitt and Ann Romney -- except that many of them think they're going to be Mitt and Ann Romney someday. (A disproportionate percentage of Americans think that someday they'll be rich.)

People on welfare? Well, the just-world theory kicks in: if they've sunk that low, they must have deserved to. To some extent that's a racist belief, but I think far too many Americans think white people on welfare are all "white trash." See, all those people should just pick themselves up and do something for themselves, because this is America, and you can be whatever you want to be if you just put your mind to it.

I dunno -- maybe you've sensed that average Americans have a different set of beliefs, but that's how it looks to me. So the Romney clip won't automatically seem, to most Americans, as if it's revealing any hypocrisy. Ordinary Americans don't seem themselves as being like welfare mothers. They see themselves as being like Ann Romney. (Or at least they think they should be like her.)

But that clip (and the other one that came to light today, in which 1994-vintage Romney says that things aren't the way they were in the old days because "now Mom and Dad both have to work whether they want to or not, and usually one of them has two jobs") might at least inspire the press to ask whether Romney is maintaining one standard for rich people and one for everyone else. If the question gets asked, our discussions of these issues might change somewhat. At the very least, we might talk about something other than how Mitt understands Real America and icky liberals don't. Just ending that conversation would make the release of these clips beneficial.


  1. ... because this is America, and you can be whatever you want to be if ... The Law or some Big Corporation doesn't squash you like a bug.

    My generation (55 - 65) got the rawest deal. We watched as our parents lived and died "The American Dream". We eagerly contributed to Social Security, union pension funds and even to a degree 401K's. We were looking forward to retiring, taking a little time off, enjoying the "twilight years". No one foresaw the inevitable result when in the seventies they started (successfully) killing off the unions, and then in the eighties and nineties killing off the manufacturing sector.

    We had a whiff of what is coming about ten years ago with the appointment by an ideologically stacked activist court of a dynastic, incompetent AWOL frat-boy of limited intelligence, questionable sexuality and no practical experience what-so-ever to the highest office in the land... and virtually immediately the 401K's tanked. The 401K and hedge-fund managers did OK, but ahhh... strike two.

    Forty-three years ago I got a Social Security Card and went to work on a cattle ranch a hundred miles the other side of Burns. When I first cashed that first paycheck, I entered into a social contract with The United States Government - specifically if I pay into the system for the next forty-five or fifty years, then after forty-five or fifty years of paying into the system the system will pay me back. I faithfully met my part of the contract, faithfully paid into the system. Now a bunch of rich white niggers want to take away what I've paid for the past forty-three years, just five years short of honoring its end of the social contract... to steal it from me and give to the Bankers, the Insurers, and Israel. Violate the social contract we entered into forty-three years ago. Rip me off, and give it away.

    Go ahead, piss off a Vietnam Veteran who has done everything he was ever asked to do. I have nothing left to lose, and have no problem with the cops gunning me down... as long as i take a few of those rich white niggers with me.

  2. If you think rich stay at home moms are awesome and poor stay at home moms lack dignity, it isn’t motherhood that you respect.Jameson Foer.
