Friday, March 23, 2012


You saw this, right?

WEST MONROE, Louisiana -- At a campaign stop at a firing range, while Rick Santorum was firing off some rounds, a woman shouted, "pretend it's Obama."

Santorum, who was far from the woman, couldn't hear the comment as he proceeded with his target practice. Neither could his staffers.

But the yell ... was in close proximity to journalists traveling with the candidate....

Um, haven't we been told that Santorum's voter base is Christians? Isn't he getting the majority of the Evangelical Christian vote in Louisiana according to the polls, in a four-man race?

Whom would Jesus assassinate, ma'am?

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  1. Who cares what some dumb, fat, old cracker says? The bigger question should be: "What's this sissy doing getting his picture taken at a shooting range?
