Thursday, March 29, 2012


Here's the latest non-scoop, from Dan Riehl:

Barack Obama has remained silent as the usual suspects have been busy stirring up hate aimed at George Zimmerman, the Florida Hispanic involved in the shooting death of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin. Now the anger has taken a new twist, breaking out on Twitter with an account named "Kill Zimmerman." It features an image of Zimmerman in crosshairs.

First of all, what the hell does Obama have to do with any of this? Now it's his job to police all the Twitter traffic in America? Or maybe it's his job to police all the Twitter traffic that's sympathetic to African-Americans? Sort of the way every prominent black person is supposed to be responsible for anything stupid or wrong any black person does?

And what's Riehl's ultimate point? That if one idiot starts a Twitter feed urging the killing of someone, that someone is automatically innocent, and everyone who's criticized that person is automatically discredited via guilt by association?

Let's take that to its logical conclusion. If I go to Twitter and search @killobama, I get one tweet (click to enlarge):

And if I click on the @KillObama link in that tweet, I get this (click to enlarge):

"Sorry, that user is suspended," it says.

So someone once started a @KillObama account. Therefore, by Breitbart/Riehl logic, Obama is the best president ever, and everyone who's ever criticized him is discredited, and is a murderer-wannabe by association.

P.S.: Please, Twitter, take the @KillZimmerman account down as well. I'd like him tried and convicted in a court of law. No vigilantism in either direction, thank you.


  1. It means Obama hates Hispanics. Obama is the real racist!

  2. "First of all, what the hell does Obama have to do with any of this?"

    The President unwisely inserted himself into this mess with his "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" comment.

    Now that Obama has stirred the pot he has a responsibility to try to ease tensions.

    Of course, stoking racial tensions may be part of the Prez's re-election strategy.

  3. The President unwisely inserted himself into this mess

    He was asked a question. After spending two minutes answering it in ways even you guys couldn't figure out a way to criticize, he added that statement, which is both germane and an incontrovertible fact. Your problem is what exactly?

    Now that Obama has stirred the pot he has a responsibility to try to ease tensions.

    Oh, right, because the pot would have been completely unstirred if he hadn't said anything. There wasn't a bit of angry debate about this until he spoke. He's now responsible for 100% of the controversy.

  4. Great post, Steve, and a reasonable response to @Bluto.

  5. Steve and debg noone can see what you're talking about all references are scrubbed of Tweet and RT's and pile on. pretty sure everyone would agree it would be best to see this all with our own eyes! Twitter must have sanitized it! Too bad! I'm pretty sure some people at Twitter are feeling mighty stupid for not doing just what that screen grabbed account @OFA_DA suggested, that is, stopping someone from using that username and variations of it. Steve your P.S. suggests a kangaroo court (tried and convicted). Please tell me you would be more careful than that? Obama can't come out of this as the great healer once he 'acted stupidly' by inserting himself into it deep! Obama stepped in it.
