Friday, February 17, 2012


... in response to MSNBC's decision to fire Pat Buchanan:



UPDATE: Oh, geez:

Statement by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski regarding Pat Buchanan

Everyone at Morning Joe considers Pat Buchanan to be a friend and a member of the family. Even though we strongly disagree with the contents of Pat's latest book, Mika and I believe those differences should have been debated in public....

Those ideas? They have been debated in public -- primarily between the years 1939 and 1945.


  1. Chris Matthews just gave the same eulogy. I fully expect the same from Rachel Maddow, too. The problem is that while Buchanan is a good debater, his views are so absurd, the entertainment value is outweighed by the need to actually cover issues that matter. Let Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert debate the buffoons.

  2. Heh. Thanks.

    They have been debated in public -- primarily between the years 1939 and 1945.

    Some of his ideas were debated between 1861 and 1865, for that matter.

  3. Everyone at Morning Joe considers Pat Buchanan to be a friend and a member of the family.

    Oh, he's a member of the family all right.
