Thursday, February 02, 2012


(UPDATE: Is this post already invalid? CNN now says Trump will endorse Romney. Still, the third-party idea still seems valid, if vengeance is Newt's goal....)

Well, you probably know this:

Word started leaking out in Las Vegas earlier that Donald Trump's "major announcement" is to back Newt Gingrich, and sources are confirming it to POLITICO.

The announcement is expected to come at an 12:30 p.m. press conference tomorrow that The Donald is holding.

The move is a bit unexpected since Trump had talked even within the past few days about how he may be compelled to run a third-party campaign of his own if he didn't see a Republican candidate who he thought could beat President Barack Obama....

One thought crosses my mind: Trump is willing to endorse Gingrich but he waited until after Florida? There's got to be a huge bloc of New York-born Floridians who still remember Trump fondly as that nice young man who fixed up the skating rink in Central Park. Poor Newt.

Now? I don't know if this really helps Gingrich -- doesn't Newt already have the pro-grifter vote sewn up? Is this going to add any new supporters?

But it brings to mind something I've been thinking for a while. We know Gingrich isn't going to win the GOP nomination -- upcoming contests include states such as Maine and Michigan where Romney has ties, plus Nevada, where 25% of 2008 caucus-goers were Mormon, and then comes Super Tuesday, which is a pure money contest like Florida, except across multiple states -- so if Newt's goal is vengeance against Romney, how much longer is he going to be effective at that?

Whereas if he ran third-party -- perhaps pursuing the Americans Elect ballot line, and taking his crazy supporters with him -- he could not only punish Romney all year, he could destroy any chance that Romney could win this thing.

And hey, why not make the ticket Gingrich/Trump? As Public Policy Polling noted (in a December survey that showed Romney leading President Obama head-to-head):

One thing that could confound Romney's prospects is if a strong third party candidate entered the race. We find that pretty much all of the big names who have been mentioned for potential independent bids would take a lot more voters from Romney than Obama.

The strongest potential independent candidate we tested is Donald Trump who gets 19% in a three way contest with Obama at 45% and Romney at 31%. The folks who say they would support Trump go for Romney 71-10 in a straight up head to head with Obama.

So there's your ticket! And I think it could be deemed technically in compliance with the Americans Elect requirement that the two people on the ticket be from different parties, because Trump became an independent in December.

As I've said before, I'd happily join Americans Elect just to get Gingrich the ballot line. Hell, if that wasn't possible, I'd circulate petitions for Gingrich/Trump if legally allowed to do so, and I'd urge all of you to do the same. Operation Chaos II! Let's do this!


  1. YES!!!

    And the extra-added, cherry-on-top, reason, is that's exactly what AE WOULDN'T want!

    They want, like, a Bayh-Huntsman ticket - not some fat philandering Southern fool, and a foundering TV and NY City doofus, with the worst hairpiece of all time.

    Ah, there'll be 'hell toupee!'

  2. Gingrich/Trump or Trump/Gingrich

    I have a hard time believing either of these guys would accept the second slot on any ticket.

  3. Well, you're right about that, jinchi.

  4. I read somewhere elsewhere this morning (I've got to go look for it) the combover is to endorse the moonbat.

    As I asked in ohh-eight, why is the Republic Party throwing the election to Obama?

  5. Newt could still be bought off at this point, I think, and relatively cheaply - maybe the promise of chair of some commission on moonbases in a Mitty Admin. But the longer it goes on, & the more humiliation Newt's made to endure, the more likely a Newt indy run might be. Hell hath no fury like a delusional sociopath scorned. And if Trump does endorse Mitty, that'll just be one more traitor to the True Faith for Newt to deal with.

    TB, if the GOP is intentionally throwing the election, seems to me they could find a cheaper way to do it. I don't buy it. They may be blowing an election, but I don't believe the GOP has a sufficiently cohesive & powerful politburo to effectively issue any such diktat.
