Friday, October 28, 2011


Is anyone else having trouble reading the blog or commenting? I've heard from our old pal c u n d gulag, who says the new design is resulting in "Blogspot not responding" messages. He's also been having trouble commenting via OpenID.

Anyone else? Let me know at nomoremister (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks....


  1. I can read you loud and clear, and on my aggregator too

  2. I like the new look. It let me post this.

  3. If you are already signed in it posts your comment. If you have to do the google sign in after commenting it tries to make you sign up for other stuff, then drops you on your pointed little head and you are disappeared. However, you are then signed in for your next attempt at sharing your pearls of wizdum.
    That was my experience this morning. YMMV

  4. One should probably get a Blogger profile (You can keep it "private.") for greatest commenting ease.

    And while I've never had any trouble w/ the blog in Google Reader, posts always show as "(title unknown)." Do you not use the title field?

    Maybe this will inspire Ed Roso to change his ancient template too.

  5. What a long strange trip it's been!

    Two internet browsers later (Firefox worked), a compromised identity on G-fi'n-mail, a couple of reboots, a comment I thought took last night, a retry this morning, and here I am - finally!


    Steve, to compensate for the aggravation, you'd better be writing some seriously good shit in the next few days!
    Wait, hold off!
    We have a winter storm warning upstate NY tonight, and the trees are still full of leaves, so I'm not sure how long power will hold out. This could get really ugly up here.

    Anyone else in the NY Tri-state area - best wishes.

  6. Excellent! Welcome back!
