Monday, July 11, 2011


Tommy Christopher at Mediate tries to correct a misreading of a recent Sarah Palin Facebook pronouncement and winds up adding a misreading of his own:

On his eponymous show Monday afternoon, MSNBC's Martin Bashir discussed a new Facebook posting by Sarah Palin with The Grio's Goldie Taylor, and accused Palin of calling President Barack Obama a "sugar daddy," which he understood to mean "a pimp."

...she's clearly not applying [the expression] to the President (this time), but to you and me:
Hard working taxpayers have been big government's Sugar Daddy for far too long, and now we're out of sugar. We don't want big government, we can't afford it, and we are unwilling to pay for it.
...She also makes an oblique reference to Naughty By Nature's gleefully raunchy song
OPP, saying that "Washington is addicted to OPM - Other People's Money."

Er, no -- I gotta cut her some slack on that. Partridge's Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English says "OPM" was used as a term referring to "other people's money as far back as 1901 (nearly a whole century before "OPP").

Oh, and Bob Seger put out an album in 1972 called Smokin' OP's -- "OP's" being the facetious cigarette "brand" "Other People's." (The album was a collection of cover songs.) And that was an old expression back in '72.

So, please, Tommy -- correct the post. I don't think I can bear to listen to Palin whining about Bashir and you.

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