Friday, July 01, 2011


Well, we've known for a long time that whatever it is, if liberals are for it, Fox News is against it, but we learned yesterday from Ellen and Brian at NewsHounds that, for Neil Cavuto and frequent Fox commentator Monica Crowley, this extends tyo being objectively pro-salmonella:

On Tuesday (6/28/11), Your World with Neil Cavuto brought on Crowley to discuss the new PSA which advises cooks to separate raw chickens from vegetables on cutting boards and other utensils....

Both Crowley and Cavuto noted that the ad had been produced pro bono, without taxpayer dollars but that didn't stop her from whining that it was somehow a waste of money. "What this points to is the fact that the governments priorities are completely off the wall. We are in a severe debt crisis in this country. We've got a 14.3 and climbing net trillion dollar national debt. We've got a 1.65 (trillion dollar) annual deficit, and yet the government is running around making ads about not letting your veggies touch your chicken," Crowley said....

Right -- the odds are overwhelming that your commercially produced raw chicken will contain salmonella, campylobacter, or other dangerous pathogens, but it's horrible that the government wants to warn people not to spread those pathogens to, say, raw veggies being thrown into a salad -- it's up to the free market to do that! With warning labels on chicken pages in teeny tiny type. (Which are, um, government-mandated, but never mind.)

But the liberal fascism doesn't stop there. Crowley:

The other day, Neil, I was starving. I was walking down the street in New York, starving, and I hadn't eaten all day, and I went into a restaurant, and all the calorie counts are there, courtesy of New York City Government, New York State Government, the Feds are getting involved... and it was a complete buzzkill. I wanted a double-decker cheeseburger, and I ended up not getting it. This is the government saying, "We know better than you."

Yes, it's horrifying: The government actually forced Monica Crowley to learn that a double cheeseburger is high in calories! No, really! And then it forced her not to order something that was on the menu! Which it did by ... er, I'm not sure how it did that. But it did!

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