Thursday, March 17, 2011


Wow -- I don't think there's ever been this much ignorance in one room since the last time George W. Bush dined alone:

Nevada Republican Sharron Angle will continue to court Tea Party activists outside her home state as she makes a run for the House.

Angle became a national figure last year during her race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), which helped her raise some $28 million for the campaign. With an eye toward maintaining that donor base, Angle is set to appear at a March 24 event billed as "an evening with the Joes."

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Samuel "Joe The Plumber" Wurzelbacher and former Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller are coming together at a Montara, Calif., fundraiser....

(By the way, when Angle runs, do you think anyone will bring up the fact that her pal Joe Miller is a close friend of a militiaman who's charged in a plot to kill judges and state troopers? Or will Democrats, as usual, think mentioning something like that would be too harsh?)

Meanwhile, if rumors are to be believed, The Senate race in Joe Arpaio's home state of Arizona could be getting a fresh new face:

Democrats in Arizona are already taking full advantage of rumors that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin could use the state as a base for a 2012 presidential campaign, but how about a run for the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Jon Kyl?

Arizona Republic noted that a Democratic state lawmaker talked up the rumor last week and at least one Republican strategist in Washington, D.C. doesn't think it's completely far-fetched.

Writing for the Daily Caller on Thursday, Republican Ford O'Connell, who heads Civic Forum PAC, argues that Palin could sweep into Arizona and win a GOP primary for the seat over Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who's the only Republican currently in the race....

I agree -- she probably could win the nomination. The general election? Maybe not so much. Public Policy Polling (PDF) reports her approval/disapproval in Arizona as 39%/57%. So O'Connell would see to have it exactly backwards when he and coauthor Steve Pearson write:

If Palin is able to secure the GOP nomination for Senate, her candidacy could be a game changer, because she would give Team Obama fits in the Grand Canyon State or even push them to drop it off their list of potential conquest states.

I think Obama's in trouble in Arizona without Palin in the Senate race; with her, people will turn out in droves just to vote her down.

At least I think they will. Most of non-liberal America still doesn't grasp how nasty and toxic conservatism is, but most people (apart from hardcore Republicans) just don't like Palin. So please: Run, Sarah, run!

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