Friday, February 04, 2011


Is there nothing Murdoch and Ailes won't try to mine to gin up Obama-hate? From Fox Nation:

Obama Botches Bible Verse at Prayer Breakfast

President Obama misquoted a familiar Bible verse during a faith-based address at the National Prayer Breakfast.

"Those who wait on the Lord will soar on wings like eagles, and they will run and not be weary, and they will walk and not faint," the president said during a speech to several thousand people at the breakfast.

But the actual passage, from Isaiah 40:31, states: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." ...

This is preposterous. First of all, Obama wasn't attempting an exact quotation. In the portion of the speech rhetorically addressed to Kaye Wilson, a family friend and his daughters' godmother, Obama said:

So my prayer this morning is that we might seek His face not only in those moments, but each and every day; that every day as we go through the hustle and bustle of our lives, whether it's in Washington or Hollywood or anywhere in between, that we might every so often rise above the here and now, and kneel before the Eternal; that we might remember, Kaye, the fact that those who wait on the Lord will soar on wings like eagles, and they will run and not be weary, and they will walk and not faint.

Beyond that, the Fox News insistence that there's only one "correct" translation of any Bible verse is absurd -- FN is quoting the King James Version, but here are fourteen other recognized translations of that verse. Obama's doesn't match any of them exactly, but he's as close as any preacher would be who wanted to work biblical language into a rhetorical flourish. This is a ridiculous attack by people desperate for anything they can find that might engender outrage.


And then there's Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, in a post titled "Sad. Obama Lies to National Prayer Breakfast About His Father's Muslim Faith."

Barack Obama today lied at the National Prayer Breakfast and covered up his father’s Muslim faith.

CNN posted the transcript:
This may come as a surprise, for as some of you know, I did not come from a particularly religious family. My father, who I barely knew -- I only met once for a month in my entire life -- was said to be a non-believer throughout his life.
Of course, this is not true.

Hoft's evidence?

Obama's father Barack Obama, Sr. was a Muslim and it even lists him as a Muslim on his Wikepedia page.

Wow! And everyone knows that there are no factual errors whatsoever in Wikipedia!

What else?

In fact, Rev. Franklin Graham and The New York Times agree that Barack was born a Muslim.

Yeah, you can't find more of an expert on Islam than Franklin "Very Evil and Very Wicked Religion" Graham! Oh, and the Times? Hoft's source isn't work by a regular Times writer -- it's a 2008 op-ed by Edward Luttwak, an op-ed that was thoroughly criticized some time later by Times public editor Clark Hoyt for its take on religion. Hoyt didn't specifically address Luttwak's reference to Obama's father's beliefs, but he found the piece so flawed that he felt it failed the paper's fact-checking standards.

Hoft devotes his life to lying about liberals and Democrats. Sad.


(UPDATE: Link fixed.)

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