Friday, December 31, 2010


So stop me if you've heard this show pitch before:  Republican Governor of New Jersey, wins on a fiscal responsibility platform, turns down rail stimulus to build a tunnel to New York because it's "too expensive", sees a blizzard coming, goes on vacation, Lt. Gov. goes on vacation, leaves the Dems in charge, catches bad press, snipes back, comes home to Trenton, promptly asks for federal money to clear up the snow.

Christie, whose plane from Orlando landed at 5:30 a.m. local time today, signed a letter about six hours later formally requesting a disaster designation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for 13 counties. FEMA officials will be in New Jersey on Jan. 3 to begin assessing the damage, Christie said during a press conference in Freehold, which got about two feet (61 centimeters) of snow.

And here's the best bit, who does this clown blame?  The mayors!  The freakin' mayors!

"If someone is snowed into their house, that's not our responsibility," Christie said. 

When asked about mayors who said they were forced to divert their resources to unplowed state roads instead of clearing local roads Christie said, "I know who these mayors are and they should buck up and take responsibility for the fact that they didn't do their job."

"Jersey blizzard, no big freakin' deal, I can go on vacation, boom.  Yeah, hand over that FEMA money, Washington! Stupid mayors, not plowing their roads, I mean it's not like government's responsible for roads!  you guys coulda cleared them!"

Shameless.  Starring a Republican near where you live in 2011.  You'll laugh yourself to death.

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