Wednesday, November 03, 2010


I see that the "modest," "cautious" Republicans David Brooks was just talking about are displaying that appealingly modest, cautionary approach to governance:

GOP likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents

Republicans are likely to urge the Obama administration not to shred documents as they transition to the House majority. 

Before the election, GOP officials on Capitol Hill privately discussed the issue but refrained from publicly tackling it, not wanting to assume what would happen on Election Day.
Now that Republicans will control the House, the shredding matter will move front and center. 

No one is accusing the Obama administration of destroying documents, but Republicans are expected to try to ensure that all records -- on a range of issues -- are kept intact....

The GOP agenda consists of precisely two (2) elements: (1) as many tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks as possible and (2) using Obama as a pinata until Election Day 2012.

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