Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Um, no, it isn't. Two African-American kids seen throwing punches in that school-bus video may be expelled -- and three kids who weren't even fighting it are facing five-day suspensions:

D'Vante Lott, 16, was on the bus headed to Belleville West High School when the fight broke out....

Lott was among a group of students who gathered around to watch the fight, and were seen laughing. He says that's why he was one of three witnesses to the fight that were suspended in addition to the attackers.

Asked why he laughed, he had this response, "Every kid laughs in a high school will laugh. If you see a fight every kid will laugh. Any fight you see we always laugh, it's like adrenaline we just laugh."

Um, we're suspending kids for laughing? Or are we just suspending kids who show up on the Drudge Report?

I'm no fan of kids beating up other kids, but if this rule had been in effect when I was a kid, a third of my school would have been suspended every time a fight broke out. Kids don't intervene to break up fights. Kids find fights they're not involved in deeply amusing.

If this is a policy that would have been applied if the right-wing noise machine weren't using this story as a stick to beat Obama, then fine. But to me it seems like overkill.

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