Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Over at Free Republic, they're reacting to the death of Eunice Kennedy Shriver with their usual quiet good taste. Here's a selection of reactions:

RIP. A Kennedy with some class. Wasnt easy for me to type those words, but in her case I suffered through it.


She was a socialist just like Rose Kennedy.


Interesting. If she wanted government to take care of the poor while she bathed herself in wealth.....her judgement might not be a pretty thing.


Other than Joe Kennedy Jr. who died on a failed bombing mission in WWII, this woman was probably the best of the bunch to come out of the Kennedy miasma.


The Kennedy-Shriver family is killing this country. They are dragging us into socialism and their trust funds are off-shore and tax protected. Alive or dead this is what she is. Truth is not alway pretty.


I wonder how much of her estate will be swallowed up by the death tax?


Her sister Rosemary was NOT mentally disabled. She was depressed and her father MADE her disabled my mangling her brain with an experimental lobotomy that went horribly wrong. The media NEVER report on this.


Exactly right. But rather than tell the American people that simple and horrible truth, the media simply says she was "disabled" and gushes about Eunice and the rest of the family. I guess "teachable moments" only apply to non-liberals. If Sarah Plan's father had done this to one of her siblings, the media would let you know exactly what happened.


My hope is that someday the truth about the "Kennedy Clan" - pardon me while I spit - will be known. I know it's not a Christian thing to say, but I hope old Joe Kennedy is rotting in Hell.

And my favorite:

I was in New Haven, Ct when she was there for the Special Olympics in 1996. She and the one party machine which had destroyed the Elm City were prattling on about how they were going to make New Haven into a "multi-cultural" city.

That is what it was until leftists like herself turned the Elm City into a sewer. Italians, Poles, Jews, Blacks, the Irish all had their little neighborhoods right next to each other.

The WASP establishment, aligned with the leaders of Jewish and Black community, fueled by the largest per capita social spending in the country turned a wonderful city into a cesspool.

Wow, there it is -- the classic racist formula I've written about several times, tweaked a bit to fit the circumstances. The formula is: ubercapitalist/Marxist Jewish rootless-cosmopolitan sophisticates set unsocialized, poor non-whites loose among good, innocent, God-fearing white Christians to destroy their way of life for the sheer sport of it. Here the evil Jews are joined by WASPs and the Kennedys. The white Christians are various ethnic non-elites, happy in balkanized communities. But the message is the same. The long-dead authors of classic anti-Semitic propaganda would recognize it instantly. Birtherism and the right's Soros fixation are very closely related to all this.

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