Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grassley says mobs of Republicans and other anti-Obama voters from last fall showing up to scream and wave nazi signs at health care town halls means Congress shouldn't pass health care reform (Updated below)

Oh well, I had so hoped that our most honorable Republican congresscritters and their rational constituents would contribute something to this important process.

In the meantime, I believe I have uncovered details of the health care reform plan preferred by Republicans and conservative Democrats, which Grassley would like all of us to slow the fuck down and carefully consider, based on his rational discussion with vitriolic mobs at town halls in Iowa, whose candidate in last fall's election lost. And whose party is in severe minority status in both houses of the U.S. Congress.

Anyway, here is the Republican/Blue Dog Health Care Plan:

Republican/Blue Dog Health Care Plan

(insert plan here)

The end

Update: I would be remiss were I to not include what I'm sure you will find to be both a truly earth-shattering and sensible scheme to reform health care offered by one of the Blue Dog's finest, Rep. Gene Taylor--

Taylor has said he opposes the Obama reform plan, primarily because of the expense involved. Taylor is a sponsor of two health care bills, one that would require Medicare to operate at least one drug benefit plan and negotiate prices directly with drug manufacturers, and another bill that would repeal the insurance industry's antitrust exemption.

"I would hope that everyone in this room knows by now that I am not going to vote for the health care plan," Taylor said, eliciting a standing ovation.


So, to review, here is a totally important and doable set of plans for providing better health care in America, from a Blue Dog (or someone I imagine to either be a Blue Dog or highly sympathetic to their agenda, such as it is): One fantastic bill would have Medicare provide prescription drug benefits, which it already does. Oh yes, I'm sorry it does have something about negotiating drug prices with Big Pharma. Anybody think that will get serious consideration or that if it did, it would do anything to provide insurance to those who don't have it? No, didn't think so. And another fine piece of legislation would repeal the insurance industry's anti-trust exemption.

What visionary and courageous souls we have in Congress these days.


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