Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Maybe it wasn't the OxyContin that caused Rush Limbaugh's hearing loss; maybe it was the right-wing rage. And maybe Michelle Malkin is having similar problems. Here's a bit of bile from a post she wrote about President Obama's news conference:

Meanwhile, Obama snapped at a McClatchy reporter who had the audacity to ask him about his cigarette addiction in light of the recently passed FDA tobacco regs.

Obama sarcastically chastised the reporter for asking a "cute" question, then argued that the new regulations don't apply to him, but to "future generations."

In other words: Do as he says, not as he smokes.

Did he really say this was a "cute" question, in a chastising way? Let's go to the transcript:

MR. OBAMA: ... Margaret from McClatchy? Where's Margaret? There you go.

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President.

As a former smoker, I understand the frustration and the fear that comes with quitting. But with the new law that you signed yesterday regulating the tobacco industry, I'd like to ask you a few questions. How many cigarettes a day...

MR. OBAMA: A few questions?



He didn't say "cute question." He jokingly (yes, perhaps mockingly) echoed her words and asked, "A few questions?" -- for the obvious reason that "a few questions" is more than most reporters get to ask at presidential press conferences.

Raise the volume and double-check your assertions before you hit "post" next time, Michelle.


Did he get a bit testy after that? Well, maybe -- but in what way can it be said that he "argued that the new regulations don't apply to him, but to 'future generations'"? If he still smokes (he says he does once in a while), he's going to smoke the same cigarettes everyone else does, isn't he, subject to the same regulations?

It's the attempt to dissuade smokers from starting that affects "future generations":

QUESTION: ... how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke? Do you smoke alone or in the presence of other people? And do you believe the new law should help you to quit? If so, why?

MR. OBAMA: Well, the -- first of all, the new law that was put in place is not about me. It's about the next generation of kids coming up. So I think it's fair, Margaret, to just say that you just think it's neat to ask me about my smoking as opposed to it being relevant to my new law.

But that's fine. I understand. It's an interesting human -- it's an interesting human interest story.

Look, I've said before that as a former smoker I constantly struggle with it. Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes. The -- am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No. I don't do it in front of my kids. I don't do it in front of my family. And, you know, I would say that I am 95 percent cured. But there are times where...


There are times where I mess up. And I mean, I've said this before. I get this question about once every month or so. And, you know, I don't know what to tell you, other than the fact that, you know, like folks who go to A.A., you know, once you've gone down this path, then, you know, it's something you continually struggle with, which is precisely why the legislation we signed was so important, because what we don't want is kids going down that path in the first place.


Yeah, right, Michelle -- nothing but narcissism and demands for special privileges there.

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