Thursday, May 21, 2009


Remember General William G. "Jerry" Boykin?

Boykin has been portrayed as an anti-Muslim zealot because of what he said while preaching to a Christian congregation about how his faith in God sustained him in battle.

The churches videotaped and distributed Boykin's speeches, and it wasn't long before his personal testimony became public controversy. One story he told about chasing warlords in Somalia 10 years ago came across as belittling the Muslim faith.

This is what Boykin said about one Somali warlord who believed Allah would protect him from being captured by Americans: "I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol."

He published his memoir, Never Surrender, last year -- and his coauthor was a woman named Lynn Vincent, an editor at the Christian newsmagazine World, where she works under editor in chief Marvin Olasky, the Bush spiritual adviser who was the principal theorist of "compassionate conservatism."

Well, now Lynn Vincent's got a new book project:

After last week's announcement that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin would pen a memoir to set the record straight about her personal and political life, HarperCollins revealed Thursday that WORLD Magazine Features Editor Lynn Vincent has been signed on as Palin's collaborator.

So, um, I think we can be sure the Palin book is going to be heavy on the Jesus.

And on the Dem-bashing -- Vincent also wrote, with Robert Stacy McCain of The American Spectator, a book called Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party, which World Net Daily, needless to say, gave a rave review:

No, Vincent and McCain do not claim that the Republican Party boasts only the good, the pure and the beautiful, as Aristotle said.

Hardly! It's just that "the Democratic Party has a 200-year history of urban corruption, treason and subversion, mob control, alliance with corrupt unions, and aiding and abetting criminals that has no parallel in the GOP."

... We learn that "the killer and traitor Aaron Burr" founded the Democratic Party.

From this outlaw legacy sprang Tammany Hall gangsters, some actually helping to "elect three of the past six Democratic presidents."

We get the skinny on how big-city Democrats have betrayed the inner-city poor into drugs, disease and squalor.

So, yeah, the Palin book could be a wee bit tendentious.

Vincent's best-known book is the tearjerking Christian memoir Same Kind of Different as Me, which she wrote with Ron Hall and Denver Moore:

It's spent 30 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.

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