Thursday, April 30, 2009


Um, guys? If you're going to accuse Arlen Spector of selfish political opportunism, isn't it a tad hypocritical to do this?

Sen. Arlen Specter's switch to the Democratic Party is prompting his campaign donors large and small to demand their money back, including several Republican senators whose political action committees gave tens of thousands of dollars to the Pennsylvania lawmaker.

Sen. Johnny Isakson didn't waste any time putting himself at the front of the refund line. The Georgia Republican asked Mr. Specter for a return of his leadership political action committee's $5,000 contribution Tuesday on the Senate floor - just hours after Mr. Specter announced he was changing his political stripes....

Other Republicans who are clawing back contributions include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who gave $10,000 through his Bluegrass Committee; Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), who gave $5,000 through his Alamo PAC; and Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, who gave $5,000 through his Rock City PAC.

"They gave that money to elect a Republican. They did not give that money to strengthen [Democratic Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid's majority," NRSC spokesman Brian Walsh said....

Right -- you guys didn't give him money out of a deep admiration for his political principles, which, prtesumably, haven't changed all that much. The one reason you gave him money was the "R" after his name. I notice you didn't ask for your money back when he voted for the hated stimulus. Of course not -- his name was still followed by that "R." His presence in your caucus was useful to you. That's all you cared about.

So I think you've lost the right to non-hypocritically criticize him for excessive self-interest.

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