Thursday, March 26, 2009


Wow, the Republicans aren't even trying to conceal the fact that Obama has them playing his game on his terms. They're not making the slightest effort to deny that Democratic criticism of them has set the terms of all discussions about them. They're completely on the defensive: We do so have ideas! We're totally not the party of no! Ignore Politico's absurd headline -- "GOP gloves off for budget brawl." These guys are acknowledging that that they're back on their heels:

...House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said the housing proposal that he rolled out with eight other House Republicans on Tuesday was "in response to the administration -- and the president himself, who continues to say that Republicans don't have any ideas."

"We’re here today to say yes we do," Cantor said....

[A Republican] official said: "We need to hold something up and say, 'Here are our charts. Here are our graphs. It's real.'" ...

Mike Pence (R-Ind.), chairman of the House Republican Conference, said at the news conference with Cantor: "Welcome to the next installment of the party of yes: yes to better solutions. Yes to alternatives that will resonate with millions of Americans because they are grounded in the timeless values of personal responsibility." ...

"Contrary to the administration's straw man diversions, Republicans do have our own ideas," Pence said....

After Obama releases his detailed budget later this spring, House Republicans will do the same -- matching his graphs with their graphs, his charts with their charts.

"Welcome to the next installment of the party of yes": When your fancy new slogan is a slight twist on a big insult direct at you, you're losing.

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