Friday, January 09, 2009


The pro-God outcome of the case is a foregone conclusion, so was it really necessary for every state attorney general in America to be a part of this?

All of the nation's state attorneys general have signed onto a brief to include references to God in President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration this month.

Authored by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the amicus brief was filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in the case of atheist Michael Newdow v. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Newdow, a Sacramento physician, seeks to eliminate prayer from the inaugural ceremony and prevent Obama from being able to say "so help me God" in the presidential oath of office....

"Since President George Washington uttered the words 'so help me God' at his first inauguration in 1789, American presidents have a longstanding, historic tradition of invoking the Almighty at their inaugural ceremonies," Abbott said....

(Actually, no eyewitness ever claimed that Washington said "so help me God," although his inauguration speech was steeped in religion.)

Perhaps every state AG in America was sincerely and spontaneously moved to join this effort -- but somehow I doubt it. I assume at least some of them felt pressured to add their names -- who needs this as an issue a future political opponent can bring up?

Abbott, needless to say, has put this effort front and center on his state Web site, and the accompanying press release includes three audio clips about the atheist menace. (Jesus didn't really like people who put their piety on display, but never mind -- Texas is a state, after all, where the smart move for politicians is to make an appearance at John Hagee's church just before Election Day.)

Oh, and speaking of elections, Senator John Cornyn of Texas said last month that he'd like Abbott to pursue the Senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison. What an interesting coincidence.

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